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Read Love And Lists (2000)

Love and Lists (2000)

Online Book

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Love And Lists (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

I completely fell in love with this group of friends especially the adorable little inappropriate Gavin in Chocolate Lovers series.Oh Boy now Gavin is all grown up and in love with his best friend he grew up with. All I can say is it a good thing they grew up knowing each others families. They all may be older but they are still just as inappropriate with absolutely no filters.I just couldn't stop laughing the whole time I was reading. Tara you did it again!!! This was so hilarious. The characters reached the level of whackiness and charm that made their humour effortless. I thought the two of them making lists was just too adorable. Finally, they get their shit together after many years of playing games. The characters are so funny that this was indubitably a 4 stars book. Things I liked in this book1. The characters making lists.2. The characters being equally inadequate to confess their feelings.3. The characters being equally awkward.4. The best friend being so passionate about ponies and owning it.5. The gay best friend.6. The ice princess sister scouting for information.7. The change in perspective halfway through.The book is about two best friends who have known each other since they were children. They fell in love with each other but were too self-conscious about it. They each thought the other entrenched them in the friendzone. In turn, they acted accordingly so as not to scare the other away. This in turn cemented their perception of forever friends and so they suffered unnecessarily. This time around, they had their best friends scheme to take them out of the friendzone. They had many plans that backfire rather than work. They eventually get their shit together and the list worked in an unexpected way. It was not so much what was written but rather what it represented. I just love this book. It is hilarious.

What do You think about Love And Lists (2000)?

I got a face laughing so much! I wish it was longer!

Omg!! Loved it what a hoot!!!


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