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Read Series: Chronicles Of Brother Cadfael

by Author Ellis Peters


The Devil's Novice (1997)

1st Recorded Reading: July 2003Once again Brother Cadfael saves the day, solves murder most foul (is there any other kind?) and furthers the course of deserving young love. He is lucky that Abbot Radulfus does not make him stay at the Abbey like most of the other monks, or else it would have to b...

The Devil's Novice (1997) by Ellis Peters

One Corpse Too Many (1994)

Mais uma aventura do Irmão Cadfael, que na realidade são duas histórias que se cruzam.Uma é a aventura do tesouro da Imperatriz maud, a outra o assassínio de um pagem. Desilusão para mim, porque não descobri quem foi o assassino. Ele era tão simpático ao longo do livro! Mas concedo que no raciocí...

One Corpse Too Many (1994) by Ellis Peters

The Confession of Brother Haluin (2001)

As usual in this series, this book begins with a date (December 1142), and with a summary of faraway events in the ongoing civil war between Empress Maud and King Stephen. "All to do over again" is the essence of it. But there's a hint of a possible solution, with the arrival of the 10-year-old...

The Confession of Brother Haluin (2001) by Ellis Peters

The Raven in the Foregate (1997)

In December, 1141, the wheel has spun again, and this time left Stephen on the throne, if shakily. He begins shoring up his lead by gathering ecclesiastical and worldly authorities together to support him. This means that Abbot Radulfus has to go first, to (another!) legatine council, and then ...

The Raven in the Foregate (1997) by Ellis Peters

The Leper of Saint Giles (1995)

W*O*N*D*E*R*F*U*L S*T*O*R*Y !!!!!!First I read A Morbid Taste for Bones, and yeah I liked it. Then I listened to the dramatization version on BBC Radio of The Virgin in the Ice. Njah, I really wasn't turned on. BUT, dear Gundula, told me to try another, so I did! I tried St. Peter's Fair. No...

The Leper of Saint Giles (1995) by Ellis Peters

An Excellent Mystery (1997)

Again, this volume is unsearchable by title. Searching by title only comes up with multivolume sets. It's necessary to search by ISBN# to come up with the individual volume. [2015--this has apparently been repaired]Too many of the books in this series have the exact same cover picture, especial...

An Excellent Mystery (1997) by Ellis Peters

Brother Cadfael's Penance (1996)

This edition begins with a tip-in preface, announcing the death of Ellis Peters in 1995. The book was in final stages of publication, and the news of her death arrived, the preface says, after it was too late to change the capsule biography at the end. Which is not why I didn't read this until ...

Brother Cadfael's Penance (1996) by Ellis Peters

The Heretic's Apprentice (1991)

One of the charms of the Brother Cadfael series is the feel for routine experiences, craft methods, etc.This book deals with a poisonous atmosphere of compulsory orthodoxy. It also gives a fairly good description of the art of making vellum.I should say that there's one aspect of the books that ...

The Heretic's Apprentice (1991) by Ellis Peters

The Hermit of Eyton Forest (1994)

In mid-October 1142, a pupil at the abbey loses his father. This is probably not the only case of a person injured in battle who died months or years later. We tend to assume that people either die of their injuries or they survive--but this was not so safe an assumption at the time--compare wi...

The Hermit of Eyton Forest (1994) by Ellis Peters

The Potter's Field (1991)

Women tend to be nearly invisible in medieval stories. Peters wasn't so bad about this, but even she drops into it occasionally. Thus in the previous book (The Heretic's Apprentice) there's a mention in one paragraph of a maid who appears nowhere else in the book.This irregular invisibility is ...

The Potter's Field (1991) by Ellis Peters

The Pilgrim of Hate (1997)

If I hadn't known this was a Brother Cadfael book, I probably wouldn't have read it. I was seriously turned off by the title. And if I'd seen the tv version before I read the book, I DEFINITELY wouldn't have read it. The tv versions of Brother Cadfael are of varying quality, and this one is de...

The Pilgrim of Hate (1997) by Ellis Peters

The Rose Rent (1997)

For my full review: book fulfills the ‘published in the year you were born’ obligation for my 2015 Reading Challenge – but really, I was long overdue for another Brother Cadfael mystery. I have mentioned before that I am easily scared and gore really ...

The Rose Rent (1997) by Ellis Peters

St. Peter's Fair (1992)

Quarta indagine di fratello Cadfael (anche se è stata pubblicata come quinta).Fuori dall'abbazia si sta svolgendo la fiera si San Pietro, tre giorni in cui le strade di Shrewsbury si riempiono di mercanti e merci rare. Quando il mastro vinaio viene ritrovato morto, i sospetti ricadono sul figlio ...

St. Peter's Fair (1992) by Ellis Peters

Monk's Hood (1992)

Frustrante: Ellis Peters 2 Vasco Ribeiro 1Mais uma vez me enganei em quem era o assassino. É certo que lanço o meu palpite muito cedo, mas também se o fizesse com as pistas todas não teria qualquer graça. E é que não posso acusar a autora de traição dizendo que a solução do mistério esteja sem ló...

Monk's Hood (1992) by Ellis Peters

A Morbid Taste for Bones (1994)

"Une abbaye bénédictine peut-elle décemment attirer les foules sans reliques consacrées ? Non, répond le prieur de Shrewsbury, en cet an de grâce 1138. Qu'à cela ne tienne, le pays de Galles voisin a des saints pour chaque jour de l'année, et même plus ! Sainte Winifred, bien négligée par ses voi...

A Morbid Taste for Bones (1994) by Ellis Peters

The Summer of the Danes (1992)

Yet another Brother Cadfael mystery; but this one is set mostly in Wales, which suits Brother Cadfael (born Cadfael ap Meilyr ap Dafydd, in the Welsh Kingdom of Gwynedd) just fine. This mystery also introduces Brother Mark, once the protegé of Brother Cadfael in the Abbey, and now deacon to Roger...

The Summer of the Danes (1992) by Ellis Peters

Dead Man's Ransom (1997)

This book doesn't come up in a title search, even if you combine a keyword from the title and the author's name. I had to search for it by ISBN #. [2015--this seems to have been corrected]Up until the middle of this book in the series, the Sheriff of Shropshire is Gilbert Prestcote. He's not p...

Dead Man's Ransom (1997) by Ellis Peters