In my opinion, this book makes a great conclusion to the first Deltora Quest series. I revolves around the series three main protagonists, Lief, Barda and Jasmine who have finally retrieved the seven gems of the belt of Deltora and are on their way back home to face a common enemy. This certain b...
When the seven gems of the magic Belt of Deltora were stolen, the evil Shadow Lord invaded the kingdom and enslaved its people. Determined to rid their land of the tyrant, Lief, Barda, and Jasmine are on a dangerous quest to find the lost gems, which are hidden in fearsome places throughout the k...
Reread 2. 6. 2015Dát jedné mé kamarádce přečíst Deltoru a zvláště tento díl, asi by se mnou už v životě nepromluvila. Není totiž nad velkého děsivého slimáka, který je navíc popsaný brilantně. A právě takový brilantně popsaný slimák by pro chudáka kamarádku, co se těchto tvorů všeobecně panicky b...
Kisah kelima petualangan Lief, Barda, dan Jasmine untuk menemukan kembali permata-permata dari Sabuk Deltora.Ketiga sekawan telah berhasil mendapatkan kembali Lapis Lazuli. Dengan masih dikejar kedua Carn, prajurit Kelabu yg membuntuti mereka bagaikan anjing pemburu.Mereka bertiga sampai di hutan...
به عنوانِ «رمانِ فانتزیِ کودک» خیلی خوبه؛ ولی «رمانِ فانتزیِ نوجوان» نه؛ اصلاً. [«کودک» رو در این عبارت، فردی نهایتاً پنجم دبستان درنظربگیرید.]خیلی «ساده»س کتاب. سرراست و ساده و معمولی. تعلیقِش برای آدمهای «نوجوان» [طبق همون تعریف توی کروشهی قبلی] خیلی مسخره بهنظرخواهداومد؛ ولی یه «کودک» می...
A book with a male main characterIn the prequel - The Forests of Silence - Lief, Barda and Jasmine manage to acquire the Topaz, the first of seven gems of the fabled Belt of Deltora. The trio's next destination is The Lake of Tears, where they will aim to acquire the coming gem (the Ruby) and fac...
Cerita petualangan Lief, Barda, dan Jasmine yang ketiga.Di awal cerita, tiga sekawan itu dikejar-kejar 11 anak Thaegan yang ingin membalas kematian ibu mereka dan kedua saudara mereka, Jin dan Jod. Setelah berhasil lolos, berkat kecerdikan Lief, mereka mengenal TOM, seorang pedagang yang menyupla...
WOW. This is probably my favorite so far of the series. It has the best puzzles that I could not solve myself. It had THE BIGGEST PLOT TWIST, and then laughed in your face about it. The book gave you the same urgency as any of the rest when it came to solving the problem to get the stone, but in ...