Ehm, teraz sa nedokážem súvisle vyjadriť, bolo to čudné. Nie zlé, ale čudné. Eh. Good but could have been better. I may change my mind when I read the other books.
Bu kitapla ilgili nasıl bir yorum yapabilirim deyip durdum okuduktan sonra. Halen de ne söyleyecegimi bilmiyorum. Grinin Elli Tonu serisi yada Doğan Kitaptan çıkan Sana Soyundum - Crossfire serisi ile alakası yoktur, bu şekilde o guzel kitapların üzerinden prim yapılması çok yanlış. Körü körüne k...
The cover declares that this is just like Fifty Shades of Grey, but to me there isn't much of a comparison. In Fifty Shades we see the story of a woman, an innocent, attempting to the be the submissive of a dom and falling head over heels for him. Eighty Days however just explores the sexual tast...
Inhalt:Nach ihrer Versöhnung müssen sich Summer und Dominik wieder trennen – immerhin leben sie auf verschiedenen Kontinenten. Beide plagt die Angst, ob ihre eh schon lockere Beziehung diese Distanz übersteht, sodass sich Dominik für ein Stipendium für ein Forschungsprojekt in New York bewirbt. G...
Fortællingen er meget overfladisk. Det er sikkert også dét mange i det hele taget mener om erotisk litteratur, men denne er ikke kun overfladisk, men også direkte kedelig. Det lykkedes ikke for forfatterne at give mig et tilhørsforhold eller dybere kendskab til hovedpersonerne og det giver mig in...
Sad. If you would have to describe the book in a single word, that would be the right word I think. I suppose the writing team that stands behind Vina Jackson, also wanted to point out the title a little bit. Because love is not always fluffy and great. It is sometimes rather complicated and sad....
Solo decir que valió la pena embarcarme con esta trilogía. Este libro en especial fue el más divertido y amé el personaje de Viggo (un cantante famoso que conoce Summer por medio de Chris) incluso cuando era malo, pues su descripción me recordaba a Matt Bellamy.La forma en que el libro gira en t...
First off, the covers of the Eighty Days trilogy are amazing and provocative. The books themselves are masterpieces. Spoiler Alert*Going beyond the bounds of erotica, Vina Jackson's trilogy explores not the world of kink but the characters that live just within it's bounds. Throughout there is al...
"And you’re both morons.""Both?" "Yes you two are your own worst enemies." "You are like children, the way you play with your emotions, I swear.""Enough playing games. You were made for each other." Eighty Days Red - Page 252, 253 Lauralynn describes the relationship between Summer and Dominik ve...
Z ranku milostny romanek&BDSM vcelku mile prekvapeni. Je to vic Story of O. nez 50 Shades. Realne (a spis kladne) popisy fetish akci, sex neni popisovan samyma spiralama vasne,kdy se tristej v multiorgasmech, zadna nezkusena panna&zhyraly (a nakonec laskou napraveny) uchyl. I slusny prvky dilemat...
Well I did like the third book actually compared to the first two. However by end of the story I realised I prefer E.L James's Fifty shades of grey. Maybe I am just not into this kinky stuff although in Fifty shades it looks interesting.For those who likes kinky stuff perhaps they will find it in...
Vina Jacksons "80 Days - Die Farbe der Lust" ist eines dieser Bücher, über das die Meinungen sehr auseinander gehen. Ich habe sehr viele schlechte Rezensionen über dieses Buch gelesen, aber mindestens genauso viele sehr Gute. Da habe ich mich natürlich gefragt woher diese doch sehr krassen ausein...