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Read Series: Nightwatchers

by Author Michelle Rowen


Wicked Kiss (2013)

Michelle Rowen macht es einem wirklich einfach, wieder in die Geschichte von Samantha zu finden. Bewusst streut sie wichtige Infos und Rückblicke zu "Dark Kiss" ein, so dass man den roten Faden schnell wieder zur Hand hat.Auch dieses Mal verfolgen wir die Geschichte aus der ich-Perspektive von Sa...

Wicked Kiss (2013) by Michelle Rowen

Gray Kiss (2013)

Well... Not much to say. Though this book was written much better and even the plot improved, it still was seemingly amateur writing, leaving you wondering when it would ever end. The characters are text book examples of angel or demon and rather lacking. Stereo typical snarky demon with good loo...

Gray Kiss (2013) by Michelle Rowen

Dark Kiss (2012)

Angels and demons have to work together to fight soulsucking creatures in a small town, teenage girl gets caught in the middle. Sounds like a good enough premise to make for an entertaining YA read - if it weren't for two things: The pace, which just dragged and dragged for most of the book and, ...

Dark Kiss (2012) by Michelle Rowen

Rencontre avec un Ange (2013)

Dark Kiss is a dark supernatural romance about Stephanie who gets kissed by Stephen, her crush for years in school. But it's not just any kiss, he steals her soul. There is a lot of violence in this book and so many things getting thrown at you. I liked some of the romance that happens because ...

Rencontre avec un Ange (2013) by Michelle Rowen