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Read Series: Seven Sleepers: The Lost Chronicles

by Author Gilbert L. Morris


The Spell of the Crystal Chair (2000)

The Dark Lord has been busy, and once again Goel is sending the Seven Sleepers to spoil his plans. This time Josh and his friends are off to Whiteland, a place of sled dogs and igloos, polar bears, and seals. The Sleepers soon learn that Whiteland is also the home of the dreaded ice wraiths, the ...

The Spell of the Crystal Chair (2000) by Gilbert L. Morris

The Savage Games of Lord Zarak (2000)

The Seven Sleepers are confronted by an evil king involved in a deadly game of cat and mouse. He punishes perceived wrongdoers by giving them a no-win choice: be imprisoned in a dungeon for life or take a chance at freedom by escaping from his estate past his savage hunting dogs.The game is deadl...

The Savage Games of Lord Zarak (2000) by Gilbert L. Morris

The Terrible Beast of Zor (2000)

The King of Madria is dying and the armies of Zor have surrounded the kingdom. Some people in the kingdom have even started to follow the Dark Lord. Losing ground, the armies of Madria need a leader. The Prince, who only cares for himself and what makes him happy, is not interested in this role. ...

The Terrible Beast of Zor (2000) by Gilbert L. Morris

City of the Cyborgs (2000)

Although the Seven Sleepers don't know anything about cyborgs, they agree to help their new friend Rainor rescue his sweetheart from them. But the city of the cyborgs is totally bizarre. The Sleepers get in, but they can't get out. Watch Josh and Sarah and your other Sleeper friends tackle their ...

City of the Cyborgs (2000) by Gilbert L. Morris

The Strange Creatures of Dr. Korbo (2000)

The Seven Sleepers have seen their share of strange animals in Nuworld. But Josh and his friends have never seen anything like the animals in Dr. Korbo's country. Where did squirrels the size of elephants come from, anyway' Is the evil doctor somehow responsible' God knows how to put his people i...

The Strange Creatures of Dr. Korbo (2000) by Gilbert L. Morris

The Temptations of Pleasure Island (2000)

The Seven Sleepers get to take a much-needed vacation. Traveling to a place called Pleasure Island, they find a virtual paradise where games and parties are constantly happening. Gambling is the norm and if some unlucky person loses everything they have, they are forced to work as slaves in the m...

The Temptations of Pleasure Island (2000) by Gilbert L. Morris

The Victims of Nimbo (2000)

The Cloud People need the Seven Sleepers' help, but the boys are gone on a hunting trip. Sarah and Abby decide not to wait for them. Maybe they can solve the problem all by themselves. Big mistake. What they can't see coming is trouble with an evil high priest who will put Sarah's life in danger....

The Victims of Nimbo (2000) by Gilbert L. Morris