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Read The Savage Games Of Lord Zarak (2000)

The Savage Games of Lord Zarak (2000)

Online Book

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0802436684 (ISBN13: 9780802436689)
moody publishers

The Savage Games Of Lord Zarak (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

The Seven Sleepers are confronted by an evil king involved in a deadly game of cat and mouse. He punishes perceived wrongdoers by giving them a no-win choice: be imprisoned in a dungeon for life or take a chance at freedom by escaping from his estate past his savage hunting dogs.The game is deadly. The enemy even deadlier. The Dark Lord has gained a foothold at the highest level. Pride has seeped into the heart of the king and it is destroying his entire kingdom and all its people.Come along on the adventures of the Seven Sleepers in the Lost Chronicles Series. The Savage Game of Lord Zarak is sure to thrill readers while teaching them important principles of following Christ.

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