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Read Series: Sons Of Sin

by Author Anna Campbell


What a Duke Dares (2014)

(Nov) 3.5* I started off liking this quite a bit, but as the book progressed, I found myself more and more annoyed by Pen (and her name - call her Penny or Penelope - but Pen just grated on my nerves). Cam's mother slept with both his father and his father's brother, and no one in the Ton knows f...

What a Duke Dares (2014) by Anna Campbell

What a Duke Dares (Mills & Boon M&B) (2014)

Pathetic, self-pitying martyr, and to add insult, the type of woman who thinks she knows better than everyone else, is completely blind to the hero showing her that he loves her because goddamn it he never says it and she LOOOOOVES him so unbelievably much. That's the main romance. The secondary ...

What a Duke Dares (Mills & Boon M&B) (2014) by Anna Campbell

Seven Nights in a Rogue's Bed (2012)

I did not enjoy listening to this book. First of all, I didn't care for the narrator, Antony Ferguson, whose reading style was so slow, and so full of long pauses, that I listened to most of the book with the speed at 1.25. Second, the first 50%+ of the book seemed to be nothing but long, detaile...

Seven Nights in a Rogue's Bed (2012) by Anna Campbell

Yedi Gece (2014)

I really didn't expect to like this book as much as I did. I usually like my romances with a touch of paranormal, however with this story I was pleasnatly surprised. I love the fact that Sidonie's love interest was not perfect looking or rakishly charming. I loved the fact that Sidonie herself...

Yedi Gece (2014) by Anna Campbell

Seven Nights in a Rogue's Bed (Mills & Boon M&B) (2014)

This book had a historical beauty and the beast theme. Hero is scarred and convinced he looks like a monster. Heroine is there to pay off her sister's gambling debts..with her body. I felt like this book had a lot of potential, but it didn't follow through. The heroine's sister was annoying. I di...

Seven Nights in a Rogue's Bed (Mills & Boon M&B) (2014) by Anna Campbell