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Read Series: Southwestern Shifters

by Author Bailey Bradford


Reverence (2012)

4.5 starsThis one got the series back on track for me and I really enjoyed it. Harley was feisty but yet emotionally damaged (what Harley went through at the hands of Joshua Dobson was devastating) and I thought it was wonderful how Val was so patient and tender with him. He helped Harley reclai...

Reverence (2012) by Bailey Bradford

Rendered (2011)

I enjoy shifter series and this was very entertaining. I bought the first 4 books (out of the 9 that are out). Hot men, hot sex and interesting stories. My only issue is they are full price at but are novellas so I don't feel I am getting my money's worth. I will buy the rest of the se...

Rendered (2011) by Bailey Bradford