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Bailey Bradford books

Bailey Bradford
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Read Books by Bailey Bradford


Levi (2012)

Enjoyable beginning to a new series. It does set up a good premise for the next books, and I really want to read Oscar's story.Warning: These guys are shifters, and the claws do come out during sex. If you don't like the idea of scratches, you might not like this. I have to admit that the idea...

Levi (2012) by Bailey Bradford

Rendered (2011)

I enjoy shifter series and this was very entertaining. I bought the first 4 books (out of the 9 that are out). Hot men, hot sex and interesting stories. My only issue is they are full price at but are novellas so I don't feel I am getting my money's worth. I will buy the rest of the se...

Rendered (2011) by Bailey Bradford

Oscar (2012)

We met Oscar in book 1 of the series and there was just something about him that pulled at my heartstrings! When I started reading this book, it was amazing being able to learn more about Oscar and what he had been through in his life. And it did explain his little attitude he had going on.My o...

Oscar (2012) by Bailey Bradford

Something Shattered (2010)

3.5 stars rounded upJesse Martin is a police officer in the small town of El Jardin, NM. The small town is as close to "home" as he's ever gotten. Jesse does what he can to fit in ... including hiding the fact that he's gay. That all changes when a new neighbor moves in across the street. Caden T...

Something Shattered (2010) by Bailey Bradford

A Subtle Breeze (2010)

Definitely had it's good points, there were hot scenes and I really liked the focus of the book on homophobia and hate crimes. I really felt for Zeke and what he had gone through and probably, like most people who read this book, I wanted to do some serious damage to that sister of his. I found i...

A Subtle Breeze (2010) by Bailey Bradford

Rory's Last Chance (2011)

This is the first book in a new series 'Love in Xxchange' by the wonderful Bailey Bradford. As I enjoy this author's writing and her series are always entertaining, I was looking forward to this new adventure. The fact that Rory and Chance met in a bar called The Xxchange I felt was rather amusin...

Rory's Last Chance (2011) by Bailey Bradford

Reverence (2012)

4.5 starsThis one got the series back on track for me and I really enjoyed it. Harley was feisty but yet emotionally damaged (what Harley went through at the hands of Joshua Dobson was devastating) and I thought it was wonderful how Val was so patient and tender with him. He helped Harley reclai...

Reverence (2012) by Bailey Bradford

When the Dead Speak (2010)

This is the second in the Southern Spirit series. I thought it was not as strong as the previous installment simply because Bradford had the chance to write a wonderful mystery/love-story but got too bogged down with too much sex. Think about it, if a killer was after you would you use handcuffs ...

When the Dead Speak (2010) by Bailey Bradford

Sabin (2013)

Sabin just wants his powdered sugar donuts, until he meets a man that tastes better than any sweets Sabin’s ever tried…Sabin has watched his brother fall for a man, a human who was Nischal’s mate. Sabin just wants his damned junk food, but no. A weird shifter named Cliff had to mention Sabin in a...

Sabin (2013) by Bailey Bradford

Love in Xxchange: Miles to Go

The man had been sweeter than sugar to him for the past week. Bo was a nice guy, although Max was aware he had a bit of a reputation. He’d heard all about Bo’s ardent but failed pursuit of Chance not very long ago. This went beyond nice, but it wasn’t quite pursuit. He thought. Every morning, Bo ...

Love in Xxchange: Miles to Go by Bailey Bradford

Mossy Glenn Ranch 3 -Saddles and Memories

Salt barely got into the hotel room before Andy tackled him, a full-body lunge that knocked the breath out of him and sent them both sprawling onto the bed. Salt gasped, meaning to take in some air, but what he got was Andy gripping his face, his hair, and taking his mouth in a forceful kiss that...

Mossy Glenn Ranch 3 -Saddles and Memories by Bailey Bradford

Run with the Moon (2014)

There was no timetable for when Valen had to be settled somewhere, and even if there had been, Aaron was enough of a temptation to have him changing plans. Now, with Aaron writhing under him, Valen wondered if one night would be enough. It would have to be. While Valen had no schedule, it was a c...

Run with the Moon (2014) by Bailey Bradford

In My Arms Tonight

It had been three days since he’d lost it and attacked Glenn Shearing, and the guilt and self-recriminations had eaten at him steadily. When Chase had told him about the psychiatrist willing to make house calls, James had agreed readily. He wanted to get better, and he wanted to be able to apolog...

In My Arms Tonight by Bailey Bradford


“This is stupid. I screwed up one time—” “You got busted by Mom one time. That doesn’t mean it was the only time you did it, just that it was the only time you got caught,” Sully said calmly. Wes wanted to punch him or poke him, do something to break through that utter freaking calm that seemed i...

Wesley by Bailey Bradford

Love in Xxchange: Rory's Last Chance

Working with Rory these past couple of weeks had been an eye-opening experience for Chance. The younger man worked hard and knew what he was doing. He wasn’t too proud to do any task, didn’t think he was too good to follow orders— although he didn’t hesitate to speak up if he had a suggestion on ...

Love in Xxchange: Rory's Last Chance by Bailey Bradford

Where There's a Will

“Either of you ever been tied up?” Will couldn’t seem to look away from Carlos’ hands, or the rope gliding over his skin. The rope looked soft, yet rough, with little threads poking out of it. Will really, really wanted to touch it, to know how— “Will!” “What?” he looked up at Carlos’ lips. Would...

Where There's a Will by Bailey Bradford

Timothy (2012)

Naran shook her head and Otto turned and headed towards his truck. Dane and Steve had already left, Dane having given up on grilling Tim tonight after all. Otto was frustrated and worried, and he knew Tim was tired and sore. He felt guilty for being relieved that Naran didn’t want to contin...

Timothy (2012) by Bailey Bradford

Bailey Bradford - Southwestern Shifters 06 - Reverence

Being a snow leopard shifter was a gift, a blessing in his opinion. He could turn into one of the most gorgeous of cats, and the power in his body when he did so was amazing. There was a freedom to being a leopard that no human would ever understand, and he had this huge extended family he was cl...

Bailey Bradford - Southwestern Shifters 06 - Reverence by Bailey Bradford

Ascension (2013)

Ro tried to reach out to Roger, but there was some sort of barrier that seemed to be erected around him. Ro bounced right off it and collided with Conner. Conner frowned and tried to pass the barrier too but his hand ended up pressed flat against the air like it was touching a window or a wall. S...

Ascension (2013) by Bailey Bradford

Texas and Tarantulas

Trent watched her drink for a second before taking a glass to her brother, Eric. “Thanks,” Eric said. He drained the glass in three gulps. “Shit, it’s hot.” “Yeah it is.” Trent swiped at the sweat running down his neck. “I’ll bring the pitcher out in a second. Thanks for coming over and helping u...

Texas and Tarantulas by Bailey Bradford

Bailey Bradford - Southwestern Shifters 07 - Revolution

Three years running for their lives has brought Luuk and Jameson to the point of desperation. A close call that almost ends in their deaths makes it clear to Luuk that he must stop running and find a way to take back his position as the European Alpha Anax, leader of all wolf shifters in Europe. ...

Bailey Bradford - Southwestern Shifters 07 - Revolution by Bailey Bradford


It wasn’t a question, Evan knew his lover well enough to pick up on the signs, and even if he hadn’t, he’d have to have been blind to miss them. Justin was flushed from the open collar of his shirt up to where the brim of his Stetson set on his brow. His lips were darker, parted, his nostrils fla...

Bend by Bailey Bradford

Nischal [leopard spots 9]

He had sort of expected it, even. Preston’s mouth gaped open a little, and Nischal just looked at his pink tongue and straight white teeth for a second or two. Then he moved closer to the bed and when Preston’s eyelids began to flutter, he licked Preston from the middle of his square chin all the...

Nischal [leopard spots 9] by Bailey Bradford

Hay and Heartbreak (2015)

Dan didn’t toss and turn. He lay staring up at the ceiling all night, wondering what he should do. Running away and going back to Birmingham seemed the easiest solution. And the most cowardly. After Duke had reappeared in his life, Dan had lived with the fear that his brother would only let him d...

Hay and Heartbreak (2015) by Bailey Bradford


Justice wouldn’t leave Paul alone. When Paul had therapy with Vivian, Justice either sat out on the porch or did something around the cabin. Family members had been returning home, but so far, they’d stayed out of sight. Justice knew there was more family coming in. It was what they d...

Justice by Bailey Bradford

Exodus (2015)

Being paired up with Valen’s big, burly brother was so not something he wanted to do. If he didn’t love constructing homes and buildings so much, Matthew would have argued his way out of it. He had to do something in the pack to prove his worth. Every day, that was what he told himself, and he en...

Exodus (2015) by Bailey Bradford

Bailey Bradford - Southwestern Shifters 08 - Revenge

Ryder was his mate, after all, and though they had managed to talk some after fucking the second time last night, they were still strangers. It was exciting, the sex rough and fulfilling in a way it never had been before. Maarten really wanted to have his turn topping. He wasn’t made to be strict...

Bailey Bradford - Southwestern Shifters 08 - Revenge by Bailey Bradford

A Bit of Me

The sound of the music thumping combined with the scents and sights in the club— various colognes tinged with sweat, sex and alcohol, men gathered in corners and tables, many whose faces were glowing with impending sexual release—usually Xavier was immune to it, pretty much. But tonight it was ca...

A Bit of Me by Bailey Bradford

Don't Drink the Holy Water (2015)

He had so many questions and he was borderline terrified—still—even though he was fairly certain West wouldn’t hurt him. That’s not true. You know he won’t hurt you. He could have done so already if that’d been his goal. More than that nagging voice in his head, it was West himself that calmed Ax...

Don't Drink the Holy Water (2015) by Bailey Bradford

Renounced (2014)

He liked the way Dallas fit against him. He really liked the sounds Dallas made, the way his body clutched so tightly around Tiago’s cock when Tiago was fucking him. Which reminded him. Dallas had mentioned he would want to top at some point. Tiago clenched his buttocks. That had always been no m...

Renounced (2014) by Bailey Bradford


And even though he got this weird vibe from Mika sometimes, like he was somehow emitting waves of power, which was just ridiculous. The guy was a full-blown macho man, alpha to the core. Todd wasn’t sure Gabe was telling him the truth about where they’d met—Gabe had been alone, then Mika seemed t...

Resilience by Bailey Bradford

A Bit of You

There were connections Liam could utilise, friends and acquaintances who’d help him out even if they weren’t supposed to. Paedophiles were the most reviled criminals in law enforcement. There were plenty of people who would eagerly and illegally help trace down the men who’d molested Billy. First...

A Bit of You by Bailey Bradford

My Life Without Garlic (2015)

And relieved. But mostly pissed! He freaking hated sunburns! No, wait, he was relieved more than anything. Augustin could have died out in the desert. Tony narrowed his eyes at the sweat-soaked man. “You didn’t even get a goddamned sunburn!” Augustin threw his hands up. “I’m sorry! I can go back ...

My Life Without Garlic (2015) by Bailey Bradford

Leopard's Spots 2: Oscar

He’d never felt anything even close to the experience Oscar had given him, not when he’d fucked anyone else, and certainly not the few times he’d bottomed. Those times had been experiments, and his wolf sure hadn’t been happy with him. Maybe that was why he hadn’t been able to relax and enjoy bei...

Leopard's Spots 2: Oscar by Bailey Bradford

Ropes and Dreams (2013)

Salt had been nice enough to set the kennel up in Drake’s bedroom off the kitchen. Buddy was snoozing peacefully, looking cute and cuddly on the pillow and blanket Drake had lined the crate with. He sighed in relief and wished he could just go in and have the rest of the evening to himself ...

Ropes and Dreams (2013) by Bailey Bradford

Ex's and O'S

Josh darted him an apologetic and panicked look as he started scooting away, no doubt heading for one of the other entrances. As much as Les would have liked to snarl at Josh, he just couldn’t—not when, if there was any way he thought he could get away with it, Les would be jumping up and hauling...

Ex's and O'S by Bailey Bradford

What Matters Most

Josh shifted in his seat, cursing when a cramp rippled from his lower back around to his ribs. His ass was numb and one of his legs was asleep, and he was bored out of his ever-lovin’ mind! On top of all that, he’d accumulated a few days’ growth of sparse facial hair that made him look like a sev...

What Matters Most by Bailey Bradford


People would soon be allowed to return to the smaller town beyond Sheridan, or what was left of it. Kirk and Brett hadn’t found any shifters, but would remain in Sheridan in case some did turn up. The forest was still burning, but the fire continued its easterly path. As far as any of them could ...

Gilbert by Bailey Bradford

Sullivan (Leopard's Spots 7)

There was a furnace sprawled on him, and the floor was uncomfortable as hell. He got his eyes open enough to see Sully flopped on and beside him—the guy was just huge, or took up twice the space he should have. Either way, he seemed to surround Bobby, and somehow, they’d managed to shuck all of t...

Sullivan (Leopard's Spots 7) by Bailey Bradford

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