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Reverence (2012)

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4.18 of 5 Votes: 5
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1781840946 (ISBN13: 9781781840948)
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Reverence (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

4.5 starsThis one got the series back on track for me and I really enjoyed it. Harley was feisty but yet emotionally damaged (what Harley went through at the hands of Joshua Dobson was devastating) and I thought it was wonderful how Val was so patient and tender with him. He helped Harley reclaim his life. And then there's Val, who's physically damaged (blind in one eye, limping from a leg injury and unable to shift due to an attack by Joshua Dobson), yet Harley put aside his fear and hatred of all shifters and helped Val see what a sexy and strong man he still was. They were perfect together and really helped each other heal. The introduction of Harley's brother Ryder and the circumstances of Ryder's conversion opened up another avenue for the series to take in future books, plus the search still continues for the missing shifters in Amsterdam, so we'll have a lot of interesting storylines to look forward to and I for one can't wait :) I love this series, the characters, the challenges they have faced in each book because they have all been different and this one was no different.Harley and Val have appeared in previous books, Harley had been a one night stand of Alex, which marked him in a way to the shifter who was trying to bring down Alex's pack, Joshua, decides to kidnap Harley and use him as leverage. Unfortunately Harley was abused while with Joshua and his pack, which gives him a fear of shifters that is not abated when he is rescued by the Alpha Anax.Val was part of the Alpha Anax's guard up to the main confrontation with Joshua's pack,where he was injured and was not able to heal as shifters do. He came out blind in one eye, with a leg injury and an inability to shift - and felt useless as guard as a result. As Harley is terrified being around shifters, he is allowed to leave the pack compound to go back to his place, although the pack have made some changes to make it safer for him, but they do tell him they will likely have someone watching him to make sure no other rogue shifters would go after him. Marcus' mate Nathan worries that Harley is still not really living and wants someone closer, so they ask Val to take this special assignment to be a guard for Harley.What no one counted on was the powerful attraction that would take place between the two, Harley had seen Val while he was in hospital and was drawn to him, despite knowing he was a shifter. When they meet again outside the compound, Harley does not know Val is the shifter he saw, but feels such a powerful draw to him (I hope there is another story to come about Harley's brother that may reveal more about their lineage they were not aware of before for how strong the draw was on Harley's side, when he was supposedly human!). Another great shifter story from Bailey!

What do You think about Reverence (2012)?

Closer to 1.5 stars but not quite that low, so I left it at 2 stars.

My least favorite of the series, started off very slowly for me.

Re-Read This book I enjoyed more the second time around. :)

This serie is amazing - It gets better all the time

2.5 stars

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