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Read Series: Stone Barrington

by Author Stuart Woods


Worst Fears Realized (2007)

Please note: I read this book in 2006 from a copy I purchased for myself.My Reading Experience: I read this book in an afternoon - about 4 hours. I literally could not stop turning the pages. This was an absolutely riveting chapter in Stone Barrington's life; suspenseful, horrifying and at the sa...

Worst Fears Realized (2007) by Stuart Woods

New York Dead (2016)

Everyone is always telling Stone Barrington that he's too smart to be a cop, but it's pure luck that places him on the streets in the dead of night, just in time to witness the horrifying incident that turns his life inside out. Suddenly he's on the front page of every New York newspaper, and hi...

New York Dead (2016) by Stuart Woods

L.A. Dead (2001)

My brother turned me onto Stuart Woods a couple summers ago when he passed on to me a box full of books he was done with (some of which I have not yet gotten around to reading), and I have enjoyed the ones I read, so I was happy to pick up four more of his books at a recent library book sale (at ...

L.A. Dead (2001) by Stuart Woods

Dead in the Water (1998)

My second Stone Barrington novel, and this one was better than the first. I think it has been a while since I read a novel from the late 90s (my other vice - dystopia, is not that olda genre, at least the more recent YA series), so I really enjoyed the faxes, looking for payphones, etc. the chara...

Dead in the Water (1998) by Stuart Woods

Shoot Him If He Runs (2007)

2nd time reading.Notes: plot: Stone and Holly are sent to St. Marks with Dino and Genevieve to find Teddy Fay - whose is there under several names including Harold Pitts.Sir Winston Sutherland, Colonel Croft and duBois are eliminated by Teddy.Thomas and Sir Leslie Hewitt, friends of Stone, are re...

Shoot Him If He Runs (2007) by Stuart Woods

Swimming To Catalina (1998)

Sinking Like A StoneStone Barrington thought he'd heard the last of former girlfriend Arrington after she'd left him to marry Vance Calder, Hollywood's hottest star. The last thing Stone expected was a desperate call from Calder. Arrington has vanished, and her new fiance; wants Stone to come to ...

Swimming To Catalina (1998) by Stuart Woods

Two Dollar Bill (2005)

Decent enough Barrington, twisty suspense / entertainment!Maybe the most obvious thing to say, especially to those like us that have read every book in Woods' growing bibliography, including all the Stone Barrington series, is that this one is as predictably good as most of them. While sometimes ...

Two Dollar Bill (2005) by Stuart Woods

Dirty Work (2003)

Hired to prove infidelity in an heiress's marriage, Stone Barrington goes undercover. But the work turns dirty-and catastrophic-when the errant husband is found dead and the other woman disappears without a trace. Now, Stone must clear his own good name and find a killer hiding among the glittera...

Dirty Work (2003) by Stuart Woods

Cold Paradise (2002)

Joint review with Woods' L.A. DeadStone Barrington is a cop-turned-lawyer and private investigator who needs to be much more selective in his choice of bedmates. I read these two books out of sequence. They can be read independently, but to get the full flavor of the hole Stone has dug for hims...

Cold Paradise (2002) by Stuart Woods

Reckless Abandon (2004)

Hodgepodge of former characters -- just a light mystery...We're Woods' fans, so were pleasantly surprised to see (Police Chief) Holly Barker and (Private Eye and playboy) Stone Barrington, Woods' newest and biggest stars respectively, hookup in NYC where Holly is chasing Trini Rodriquez, a leftov...

Reckless Abandon (2004) by Stuart Woods

Dirt (1997)

After loving New York Dead for it's willingness to change up the formula for a detective procedural, I had high hopes that this novel would continue in the same vein. I wasn't disappointed. Dirt once more returns to ex-detective turned private-eye/lawyer Stone Barrington as he comes across a new ...

Dirt (1997) by Stuart Woods

The Short Forever (2003)

The unflappable Stone Barrington comes face to face with two men whose lives are wrapped in shadows and lies—and who both still feel the sting of betrayal they can never forget. Between a Rock and a Hard Place Hired by an odd client previously unknown to him, Stone arrives in London, on a mission...

The Short Forever (2003) by Stuart Woods

D.C. Dead (2011)

Teddy Faye is Stone's, Holly's, and Dino's nemesis, but now they have another one, the killer of this whodunit. In Washington, the murder and then a few days later the suicide of the spouse should have been been just that. But President and First Lady Will and Kate Lee ask Holly, Dino, and Sto...

D.C. Dead (2011) by Stuart Woods

Paris Match (2014)

Stone Barrington #31Stone is in Paris for the opening of The Arrington there. He learns that the Russians are still after him, but he's not very concerned. He meets a woman whose brother and father are police prefects in Paris and France. One night they are away at her secret cottage and she kill...

Paris Match (2014) by Stuart Woods

Standup Guy (2014)

A Stuart Woods book is pretty much guaranteed to be fun, especially when it stars the ridiculously rich, raucously randy Stone Barrington, most everybody's favorite ex-cop-turned-lawyer-turned-sleuth. But it's the cast of familiar characters that make a Woods tome even more entertaining, from Din...

Standup Guy (2014) by Stuart Woods

Doing Hard Time (2013)

A dot-to-dot kind of summer reading....The plot and setup on this Stone Barrington escapade is very thin. Everything just fits in the box, way too neatly. Want to run into a fugitive -- boom, just stop for gas. Want to get a job -- boom, just ask. Want to find a girlfriend -- boom, just meet one....

Doing Hard Time (2013) by Stuart Woods

Strategic Moves (2011)

I have read many of Stuart Woods books...and many of the characters are familiar to old friends in this one because this story revolves around Stone Barrington, the ex cop who is a lawyer now and from time to time gets himself into some shady deals......I have to say while this was an e...

Strategic Moves (2011) by Stuart Woods

Severe Clear (2012)

Another novel featuring Stone Barrington. There is a ritzy hotel opening in Bel-Air. Stone is part owner of this hotel and is asked to help with the security. Since the U.S. President and the president of Mexico will be attending the opening, there is reason to have max security. In keep...

Severe Clear (2012) by Stuart Woods

Bel-Air Dead (2011)

Stone Saves Centurion. Stone is asked by Arrington to represent her in the sale of stock in Centurion Studios, which is under seige as a takeover target for the land it occupies. He grabs Dino and heads for the Bel-Air guest house, only to be advised by Arrington that she's leaning towards sellin...

Bel-Air Dead (2011) by Stuart Woods

Lucid Intervals (2010)

I read Wood's first book "Chiefs" and was so impressed. Think I might have read a few more later, but it has been awhile.Bought this book for $2.00 at a used book store and thought I'd try again.What I found was a simple mystery book that Mr. Woods took pleasure in inserting all of the food and ...

Lucid Intervals (2010) by Stuart Woods