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Read Series: The Long Earth

by Author Terry Pratchett


Długa wojna (2014)

Originally, when I finished this book I gave it four stars here on Goodreads and quickly clicked over to my next To-Read. Then I thought about it overnight and realized that this wasn't that great of a novel. The first one was great, a cool though experiment in parallel universes, A.I., and cre...

Długa wojna (2014) by Terry Pratchett

The Long Mars LP (2014)

Very torn on this one. The book is chock-full of fascinating scientific, ethical, and philosophical ideas; yet the plotting is absent or very bad, as is the pacing. So it's certainly not a gripping story; however, it offers excellent worldbuilding --the occasional political naivite aside--, with ...

The Long Mars LP (2014) by Terry Pratchett

The Long War (2013)

At least as good as the first book in the series.The step between The Long Earth and The Long War (and between the Long War and The Long Mars, for that matter) are more like different chapters in a book, or between different episodes in a TV-show than what I would generally expect of books in a s...

The Long War (2013) by Terry Pratchett

The Long Mars (2014)

Fantastic storyline in with much more going on than The Long War. the interactions of Sally and Maggie are really awesome. Their quests are becoming much more interesting and the consequences of everyone's actions are much more strongly felt. I still think there's not that much going on in terms ...

The Long Mars (2014) by Terry Pratchett