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Read Series: The Whitby Witches

by Author Robin Jarvis


The Whitby Child (1994)

In the depth of the night, a dark shape rises from Whitby's harbour and crawls along the deserted streets, leaving a trail of slime in it's wake. As Ben murmurs fitfully in his sleep, two glittering clusters of eyes stare keenly at the sleeping boy...Along the windswept Whitby shore, Nelda the au...

The Whitby Child (1994) by Robin Jarvis

A Warlock in Whitby (2001)

I read this in Whitby, where I have been for a few days. I really enjoyed the first book in the trilogy,The Whitby Witches , and while there were bits of this book I liked, I didn't enjoy everything about it.Ben and Jennet are still living with Miss Boston, their elderly foster-mother in Whitby. ...

A Warlock in Whitby (2001) by Robin Jarvis

The Whitby Witches (2006)

I love this book which will appeal to children and adults alike. It's a tale set in Whitby and it incorporates many of the traditional legends of the town including the Barguest (the supernatural fierce black dog, which is a Yorkshire legend), the white lady alleged to haunt the Abbey, myths sur...

The Whitby Witches (2006) by Robin Jarvis