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Read The Whitby Child (1994)

The Whitby Child (1994)

Online Book

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0750015810 (ISBN13: 9780750015813)
macdonald young books

The Whitby Child (1994) - Plot & Excerpts

In the depth of the night, a dark shape rises from Whitby's harbour and crawls along the deserted streets, leaving a trail of slime in it's wake. As Ben murmurs fitfully in his sleep, two glittering clusters of eyes stare keenly at the sleeping boy...Along the windswept Whitby shore, Nelda the aufwader nurses a terrible secret. It is only a question of time before she must reveal the truth...As Alice Boston lies paralysed by illness in her Whitby home, the ghost of a long-dead friend appears before her to warn of a great and impending danger...This is the third enthralling book in the Whitby series.

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