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Robin Jarvis books

Robin Jarvis
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Read Books by Robin Jarvis


Auftakt (2012)

Terrifying? Um... I don't think so!The atmospheric and genuinely creepy first chapter of this novel makes the limp scenes that follow seem all the more disappointing. Instead of creating an atmosphere of dread, bizarrely, Jarvis' writing seems almost tongue in cheek, as though he himself doesn't ...

Auftakt (2012) by Robin Jarvis

Dancing Jax - Auftakt (2013)

Inhalt:Einige Bücher sind schädlich, sogar gefährlich. Sie verdrehen einem den Kopf und geben den dunkelsten Seiten der menschlichen Seele Nahrung. Sie sollten verbannt oder vernichtet werden. Diese Geschichte handelt von solch einem Buch. Ich hoffe, es gibt noch genug von euch da draußen, die da...

Dancing Jax - Auftakt (2013) by Robin Jarvis

Dark Waters Of Hagwood (2013)

This, the second book in The Hagwood Trilogy, has not yet seen publication. Originally scheduled for publication in 2005 and then later in 2009, the most recent word from Puffin claims that this book is scheduled for release in 2015. Despite supposedly being completed manuscripts, it is uncertain...

Dark Waters Of Hagwood (2013) by Robin Jarvis

The Raven's Knot (1996)

This was a great sequel to the first book in the trilogy (Woven Path), and picks up where it left off. While this book also contains some scary and gruesome scenes, it has a slightly different feel. "Woven Path" is more of a horror/adventure story, or it felt that way to me; this one is also very...

The Raven's Knot (1996) by Robin Jarvis

The Woven Path (2002)

I will admit, I did not finish this book. The story's premise is that a boy goes back in time to WWII London trying to get his younger sibling back. A demon also goes back and is released. The demon increases the level of evil in people. So, when one jealous woman suggests to some young boys ...

The Woven Path (2002) by Robin Jarvis

The Final Reckoning (2003)

In The Final Reckoning the mice find themselves under threat not only from the army of rats that is massing under London but also from the mysterious eternal winter which has enveloped Deptford. Everything points to Jupiter being back and so the mice, together with the bats and the Starwife, mus...

The Final Reckoning (2003) by Robin Jarvis

The Whitby Witches (2006)

I love this book which will appeal to children and adults alike. It's a tale set in Whitby and it incorporates many of the traditional legends of the town including the Barguest (the supernatural fierce black dog, which is a Yorkshire legend), the white lady alleged to haunt the Abbey, myths sur...

The Whitby Witches (2006) by Robin Jarvis

A Warlock in Whitby (2001)

I read this in Whitby, where I have been for a few days. I really enjoyed the first book in the trilogy,The Whitby Witches , and while there were bits of this book I liked, I didn't enjoy everything about it.Ben and Jennet are still living with Miss Boston, their elderly foster-mother in Whitby. ...

A Warlock in Whitby (2001) by Robin Jarvis

The Whitby Child (1994)

In the depth of the night, a dark shape rises from Whitby's harbour and crawls along the deserted streets, leaving a trail of slime in it's wake. As Ben murmurs fitfully in his sleep, two glittering clusters of eyes stare keenly at the sleeping boy...Along the windswept Whitby shore, Nelda the au...

The Whitby Child (1994) by Robin Jarvis

The Whitby Witches 1 - The Whitby Witches

Jennet sat on the tombstone and hugged her knees. 'Great Aunt Connie?' Miss Boston held on to her hat and nodded. 'She was one of my pupils,' she said. 'A good student but never made any use of her education—shameful waste.' 'And you say she wrote to you about Ben and me?' 'Yes, over the years we...

The Whitby Witches 1 - The Whitby Witches by Robin Jarvis

Robin Jarvis-Jax 01 Dancing Jax

Dead and dying from lack of care and frozen by the cold. Shun the Bad Shepherd, drive him from your sight. Where was he when the lambs did stumble and bleated in their plight? EMMA TAYLOR THREW her hair straighteners across her bedroom and yelled an angry stream of filth. She had only finished ha...

Robin Jarvis-Jax 01 Dancing Jax by Robin Jarvis

Tales From The Wyrd Museum 2: The Raven's Knot

The largest, a rusted, barely roadworthy coach, was over twenty years old. Most of its seats had been removed and replaced with mattresses, blankets, clothes, pots, pans, large water containers and those trinkets its owners could not bear to be parted from.     In its former l...

Tales From The Wyrd Museum 2: The Raven's Knot by Robin Jarvis

The Deptford Mice 3: The Final Reckoning

The Final Reckoning @page { margin-bottom: 5.000000pt; margin-top: 5.000000pt; } THE OTHER CHARACTERS  BARKERA crazy old rat whom Piccadilly befriends, but there is more to Barker than meets the eye.THE BAT ELDERSThese are four wise old bats: Ashmere, wisest of councillors, Ingeld, Consort of the...

The Deptford Mice 3: The Final Reckoning by Robin Jarvis

The Whitby Witches 3: The Whitby Child (2014)

In her other hand she gripped the handles of a capacious brown shopping bag that had seen better days and was bound around and patched with various coloured tapes.     It had been another wet morning, yet she was not one to mind a little bit of rain. The nun enjoyed the feel o...

The Whitby Witches 3: The Whitby Child (2014) by Robin Jarvis

The Deptford Mice 2: The Crystal Prison

In Book One, Audrey and Arthur Brown, two innocent town mice, are drawn into the sewers beneath the streets of Deptford in search of Audrey’s mousebrass – a magical charm given to her by the Green Mouse, the mystical spirit of Spring. Deep within the underground tunnels, the two mice discover the...

The Deptford Mice 2: The Crystal Prison by Robin Jarvis

The Deptford Mice 1: The Dark Portal

Visitors in the Attic   There was no sign of Audrey anywhere, but Arthur and Twit guessed at once where she had gone. They knew nothing of the brief desperate struggle that had taken place moments before and how, overwhelmed and defeated, Audrey had been dragged through the Grille by sharp, snatc...

The Deptford Mice 1: The Dark Portal by Robin Jarvis

Tales From The Wyrd Museum 1: The Woven Path

A strident, staccato percussion struck up briefly as tobacco tins filled with odd buttons were dumped upon the trestle tables followed by the clatter of cotton reels pulled from sewing baskets.     During working hours, the venue had been taken over as an administration centre...

Tales From The Wyrd Museum 1: The Woven Path by Robin Jarvis

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