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Read Series: Wilt

by Author Tom Sharpe


The Wilt Alternative (1984)

"Wilt especulava sobre o paradoxo do progresso material e da decadência espiritual e, como de costume, não chegou a conclusão alguma."A vida de Henry Wilt caminha sempre por linhas tortas. Tem mais dores de cabeça como presidente dos Estudos de Formação Geral do que quando era apenas um professor...

The Wilt Alternative (1984) by Tom Sharpe

Wilt On High (2004)

Don't pity Henry Wilt. Sure, over the course of 2 novels he's been suspected of murdering his wife (Wilt) and been taken hostage by terrorists (The Wilt Alternative), but he's managed to extricate himself from these predicaments by, well, just being Wilt. Which makes one wonder how he's going to ...

Wilt On High (2004) by Tom Sharpe

Wilt In Nowhere (2005)

I am reviewing the novel Wilt In Nowhere which is an excellent comedy novel which I bought from Amazon. This novel is part of the Porterhouse Blue series of novels & doesn't have a great plot but has loads of humor and is very funny. It reminds me a little bit of Terry Pratchett doing the Discwor...

Wilt In Nowhere (2005) by Tom Sharpe

Wilt (2002)

"Digamos que o homem é um animal domesticado com certas componentes selvagens dentro dele.""Wilt" é um livro dominado pelo humor negro e Tom Sharpe conseguiu ser maravilhosamente bem sucedido na tarefa em manter o interesse e crueldade durante uma história de mal-entendidos, caracterizada pelo ab...

Wilt (2002) by Tom Sharpe