Her chest felt warm and tingling and her heart was racing, her back was pressed against a blast furnace, and her nose felt so cold it was numb. Every muscle in her body ached, and she had an overwhelming urge to sneeze. Which she did, bringing her completely awake. Which made her remember. Which made her gasp at the realization that a good amount of her discomfort was being caused by the large, rather possessive male hand covering her left breast. During the night, Mark-with-no-last-name had somehow managed to sneak his hand under her shirt. Jane’s racing heart skipped several beats. Was he awake? Was he aware of where his hand was? Was that her nipple she felt pushing through her bra against his palm? And why did she want to wiggle her backside more firmly into his lap? No, the real question was would Katy believe her when Jane told her best friend—okay, her only real friend—that she had spent an entire night sleeping in the arms of a man?