said Coriolus. He made a flipping gesture with one hand. “Oh, go ahead and speak. You can talk, but you cannot move. A useful aspect of this particular spell. It makes interrogations so much easier.”His voice was the same, but the cringing resentment and fear had vanished. The wariness in his face had evaporated, and in its place Ridmark saw utter confidence and surety, the kind of confidence than sprang from decades of wielding great power. It reminded him of Agrimnalazur in the moments before their final battle in Urd Arowyn. That cheered Ridmark – Agrimnalazur had perished in the end.Of course, she could just have easily killed them all. “You are,” said Ridmark, “quite a skilled actor.”Coriolus offered a mocking little bow. “Why, thank you. I have had much practice over the centuries. Tell me, how much of my little tale did you believe?”“None of it,” said Ridmark. “I was sure you were lying.”Coriolus wagged his finger like a teacher chastising a pupil. “I was sure of that, too.
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