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Read Gage's Awakening (2012)

Gage's Awakening (2012)

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1771110937 (ISBN13: 9781771110938)
Extasy Books

Gage's Awakening (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

It seems like it was just yesterday that I stumbled onto the 'Lost Shifters' series by Stephani Hecht. It's even more amazing to me that I'm up to book sixteen and still haven't lost interest or gotten bored. That's pretty remarkable! I enjoy these stories and even though there is some predictability within them, the author has written the series in a way that I am attached to each of these characters and really want to see their happy ever after. I was excited about reading Gage's book because a hawk and a lion? Hmm.I fell for Gage...oh, a number of books back when I saw how kind, protective, loyal, and loving he was with his mismatched group of shifters who all banded together out on the streets. Now, of course, he's been with the feline coalition for awhile and is an active soldier in their fight against the Ravens. Gage is a hawk and he basically doesn't think he really fits in anywhere, a feeling he's had his whole life. He's lost his heart to Branson, a blind lion shifter who can only see in his animal form, but Branson hates the Hawks for their involvement with the Ravens all those years ago. Branson is in charge of the historical archives and for months Gage will sneak in, steal a coin, and wait for Branson to come after him. It's the only way Gage can get Branson to even acknowledge his presence. But, it's been weeks now and Branson hasn't come after his coin, and it's breaking Gage's heart knowing his mate wants nothing to do with him.Poor Branson. Born blind, he hoped he'd regain his sight after his first change, but no such luck. What good is a blind man, even a lion, in the war against the Ravens? So, Branson is bookish, and kind of a nerd (I love him!), and he doesn't like bird shifters, at all. Maybe because he's always been on the receiving end of such horrible taunts and mean-spirited mischief. Branson figures Gage is just like the rest of them so even though he's attracted to Gage, Branson can't believe that Gage could actually want him. But when someone else shows interest in Gage, it sets off all of Branson's primal instincts to claim Gage.I loved these guys! Gage and Branson are adorable together and the little extra suspenseful twist to the story made reading this book even more entertaining. Just like with all the previous books, now I'm looking forward to the next installment. Just under 3 stars.This book was interesting because it features a blind shifter. While Branson is not blind in his lion form, he is blind in his human form after an attack by Ravens. Ever since the war with Ravens began, Branson has hated the "birds" to include the Hawks that were formerly allied with them. Branson is now happy to support the coalition as the historian and take care of his brother, Skye.Gage is one of the lost shifters that was rescued with Riley. He has had a crush on Branson since he met him, but Gage is a Hawk shifter and too young and bratty for Branson. This story had a little too much of the same "woe is me, I'll never be good enough for him" aspect to it. Branson feels he's defected for being blind while Gage feels his life on the street as a hustler makes him not worthy of love. Okay, yeah, we've seen this before. I do have a soft spot for Gage, so I enjoyed reading this story, but it didn't give me that much more to the story except at the very end where it introduced some new shifters. I am curious to see what happens to these shifters in future books. This series is interesting to me. While overall each book isn't that great, the editing is horrendous, and many of the books repeat the same formula over and over (with the exception of a couple of my favorites), it keeps adding just enough new characters and excitement to keep me reading. It also brings back just enough of my favorite characters to keep me happy. But I will say, thank goodness for Fictionwise and their 50% coupon.

What do You think about Gage's Awakening (2012)?

it was a good read and there's new characters for the next books too !!

I liked this couple and I loved seeing Shane again!

GageBranson Rating: 3 starsRead: 12/11/14

Book 16 complete ...


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