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Read Georgia (1993)

Georgia (1993)

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0749314702 (ISBN13: 9780749314705)

Georgia (1993) - Plot & Excerpts

Well it’s a very long time I read Lesley as I had preferred the books by Indian authors like Durjoy datta and Nikita Singh, the GEORGIA, as her earlier novels this book is also came with same theme a girl rises out the triumph over adversity. I had intrigued about this book because it is her debut Georgia was an orphan when war showed cruelty towards lakhs of people. She was joined in a Convent with the help of some social worker where she grew up till nine years old with Sister Agnes brutality and care and kindness of Sister Mary. In the school, she learns how to stick up for something she felt it is right. Despite her problems, she loves her music class of Mistress Powell, where was adored for her beautiful singing which has been gifted with.A day comes and Celia Anderson, who was a social worker, adopts her. She enjoys parental care of Celia and brain Anderson until she was fifteen when her foster father forces on her. She goes to Soho, leaving a note Celia that she appreciated her care all these years. Soho is world of sleazy strippers. She did not think her world became suddenly torn apart when she lost her handbag with all the money she had. Helen, who was an inhabitant of Soho, gives her shelter for one day. But with help of Georgia and cooking and some household chores she accepts her to stay with her and eventually they become good friends under one roof with adjusting whatever the limited money they have and she joins in a workshop of textiles.But the shocking past never left her. She soon discovers she was impregnated. She is in a state where she can’t afford money and loss of little respect she had. She agrees to abort the fetus with old dangerous convention method. She survives and after some days her owner of the shop offers her to sing a song in his known club. Suddenly luck falls into her lap when her performance in the club enthralled by many audience as well as Max who is a manager several great bands in the country. He offers her a choice is SAMSON band.That’s where her music life starts with full of discomforts and some kind of solace with the friends she has in the band. Rod, Ian, Speedy, Norman, john and Alan are other performers’ drummer, Singer, Guitarist, organ player and brass section players respectively. She has to put up with their behavior as they journeyed thousand miles for Gigs (a stage performance). Soon she understands every one of them and makes bond with them eventually falls in love with Ian who cared her deeply.To make the matters worse, Ian and Alan dies in a fire accident. She resorted to tears. With so many comforting hands and support from contemporary music bands and fans she stands herself. In the absence of Ian she immerses in his memories. Thus she writes a song:There is no time baby, its all slipped away,I thought we had forever, now there is only a day.I dream of your kisses, I see only your eyes,We have no tomorrow, only goodbyes. There is no time baby, all we have is nowThere is no time baby, that’s the last bow.This attracts millions of fans of Band, she becomes lyricist too. With the money and fame they enjoy luxuries. They spent two, three years of past earnings in one day. Rod fills the role of Ian in her life for the time being. He says her that her relationship with him may not be strong as they both are in music field.The time passes. They face the fear of losing their image in peoples mind. She continues to write songs in remembrance of Peter who was her sweet heart in her adolescence. This is the time Sham comes into her lies who was a real father supports her when brain Anderson damages her reputation by telling his false pitiable story.Later she reunites with Celia and lives with peter. That’s the end.PS: There are many things in which I did not like and do not agree with but to know and remember her writing style was which made me to read to her book 

I read this book because the premise sounded remarkably similiar to my own Mad About the Boy. There were a few similarities but fortunately not enough for Ms Pearse to sue me!This is clearly a first novel, the writing style is clunky, she has thrown in a few rubbish sex scenes based on ones she's read in other people's novels and has overly described everything. She had yet to find her voice and this does spoil the story somewhat.On saying that 'Georgia' is an engaging and emotional book that had me crying by the end. If you're not a perfectionist and can overlook bad grammar and poor sentence construction, then I say go for it.

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