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Read Ghost Boy (2002)

Ghost Boy (2002)

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044041668X (ISBN13: 9780440416685)
laurel leaf

Ghost Boy (2002) - Plot & Excerpts

This book is about a 14-year old albino boy named Harold. He frequently calls himself "the ghost". Harold was sitting at the Rattle Snake River when he met an Indian named Thunder Wakes Him, and who told him about a circus that was in town. He told Harold the circus was travelling to Oregon. While on a walk back home, Harold decides to go and check out the circus where he was teased by the children attening the circus, until he passed out. While at the circus he learned of a man called "the Cannibal King", who was an albino like Harold. It was then that Harold decided he should go on with the circus to met the man who was like him. He woke up to the sight of a tiny woman named Tina and a hairy man named Samuel who were a part of the circus. After talking to Tina for sometime, she invited him to travel in the circus with them. Harold refused the offer and went on his way. While walking back home, he saw a poster of the circus and talked to Hopalong, a guy in town, about it. Then Honey, Harold's dog, showed up with a ticket under her collar.Once he arrives home he is angrily greeted by his mother, telling him that his "father" was out looking for him. Harold's real father was killed in war and his older brother was MIA (missing in action). It had always been their dream to go to Oregon and become mountain people. Joining the circus did not seem like a bad idea after all. That night Harold decides to leave for the circus and leaves Honey behind. As he is sneaking out, he meets Thunder Wakes Him again and rides with him to the circus. On their way to the circus Thunder Wakes Him, who also went by the name of Bob, and Harold get to know each other better throught the tough journey. They finally meet up with Tina and Samuel. This is where Harold meets the Gypsy Magda for the first time. The Gypsy Magda told Tina ,Samuel , and Harold's fortune. Once they got on the road they traveled a long way and ran in to trouble but soon got out of it and kept heading on their way. When they reached the circus, Harold met a girl named Flip and instantly fell in love wih her. Harold was helping Flip with the animals and she decided he should try to work with the elephants. While working with the elephants for a little while, he decides to teach them how to play baseball. Being caught up with teaching the Roses (the elephants), he slips further away from Tina and Samuel.When Roman came back with a patch for the tent things got tricky. Flip drifted away from Harold and left him to tend with the elephants. One day Roman was threating Harold and almost got killed by Conrad, one of the elephants. From then on Harold, stayed closer to the elephants and taught them more. Flip was off with Roman most of the time, but would come by from time to time to see Harold. One night Harold woke up and saw that the elphants were gone, and when he went looking for them he found them playing baseball all on their own. From then on he felt normal, and was treated more like every one else. Harold finally ended up meeting the Cannibal King, which was the main reason for his journey. Harold and the "freaks" were playing baseball happily, when suddenly Conrad charged and trampled Tina. Tina later died in Samuel's arms. That was then Harold decided he needed to leave. He thought about all of the things that had happend to him over this adventure, and said his final goodbyes and headed home. On is way back people wondered where he was and why he had suddenly disappeared, but this time didn't tease him. Once he finally made it home he was reunited with his Mom and Honey.I enjoyed this book because it was interesting and like nothing i have read before.It was very descriptive and a very enjoyable story to read.It made me feel like i was right there with Harold as this all happend. I hope I will come along another good book like Ghost Boy.

Harold Klien is a fourteen year old albino who is teased because of his skin. His father died at war, and his brother was pronounced MIA. He has a mother who has completley changed since when she married Walter Beesley, who isn't so nice himself. Basically, the only friend Harold has in the small Liberty county is Honey, his retriever dog. But when the circus comes to town, Harold meets a few "freaks" like him, that convince him to come along. He is not sure at first, until he sees a poster of the Canniball King, an albino side attraction. Then, during the middle of the night that the circus packs up to leave, Harold leaves his dog, his mom, and everything ever knew back in Liberty to follow the circus. Later, Harold meets up with the circus "freaks" after a big storm has seperated them all. He meets the Gypsy Magda, Samuel, and Tina. They instantley befriend him, and Harold begins to think that the circus is the place for him. After the circus is back together for there next show, Harold is accepted and makes knew friends, even with the pachyderms. The three elephants, Conrad, Max Graf, and Canary Bird are all atracted to Harold; and baseball. Harold teaches them baseball to help out the circus in Salem. He meets Flip, a pretty girl who does tricks on horses, and Roman, a bully who may or may not be dating Flip, but Harold still falls in love with her mischevious charm. It was a big mistake, though, because things begin to fall apart. Flip has decieved Harold, and is using the elephant act for her own benefit, as well as marrying Roman. Harold feels alone and decieved, until he finally meets the Cannibal King. They become friends and start to play with the other circus members, a game of everlasting baseball with the elephants.Then, something horrible happens, and Harold decides its time to leave. Therefore, he boards a train to Liberty to see his mom and Honey once again. I enjoyed this book at times, but some days of reading were not as interesting as others. I definatley did not like the ending, it was very gory and sad, and I dont like books that end on a bad note. Plus, being the only book in its series, it didnt conclude well. It wasn't like the books that leave you wondering what happened next, it was like one of those books that says "Oh this is where it ends, goodbye." Maybe if they ended when Harold started to go back to Liberty? Then we could wonder if he made it home.

What do You think about Ghost Boy (2002)?

Harold Beesley is a ghost. Harold is an albino, lonely and an outcast. Stuck in his sad town of Liberty, Harold dreams of heading to Oregon and meeting up with his long lost brother, David, and living as mountain men together. The problem is, David has left to serve in the war, and he hasn't returned. Also, Harold has no way to escape the sad and dull life of Liberty. Until one day, when Harold meets an old Indian man on horseback, Thunder Wakes Him, and is told about the circus that passes thr
—Ellie Becker

Ghost Boy is about an albino boy who is constantly bullied by the kids of his hometown because of how he looks. One day the circus comes into town and Harold meets Tina, also known as Princess Minikin, and Samuel, also known as the Living Fossil who are both freaks from the circus 'Hunter and Greens'. He decides to follow the circus since they were going to Oregon, a place he and his brother had always talked about going to before his brother joined the war and was declared 'MIA'. He learns about the Cannibal King, a so called king of a far off place called 'Oola Boola Mambo', who also happens to be an albino. Harold joins the circus and helps out with the elephants and he realizes that he can train them better than a lot of others can, especially at what he plans to make their new act, playing baseball. He meets plenty of new people that accept him for what he is, and some people who don't. Nonetheless, the circus changes Harold's life forever. I liked Ghost Boy because it used great description and had a great storyline that you could fall into and follow.

tI thought that Ghost Boy was a very exciting book. It teaches you about self acceptance and to be who you are. Ghost Boy starts out in a small town called Liberty, where a boy named Harold lives with his mom, stepfather, and dog. Harold is an albino dealing with a lot of trouble. For example, bullies mess with him by taking his stuff and call him names. In addition, his father died in war and his brother hasn’t come back. tOne day, Harold is walking back from the Rattlesnake River and he meets “freaks” from the circus named Samuel with his tiny friend Tina. Later that night, Harold decided to run away to go to the circus. He catches a ride with Indian Bob on his horse. They meet up with Tina, Samuel, and the Gypsy Magda; they are all delighted to see him. At a restaurant, the “freaks” are made fun of again. But this time Harold stands up for everyone. The circus keeps driving to their next destination and they get stuck in a muddy ditch. A farmer with a sick child comes and helps them out. In exchange, Gypsy Magda saves the child. They arrive at the circus and Harold meets everyone, including the beautiful Flip. Harold begins teaching the three elephants how to play baseball. Harold sees the lies of the circus and he spends less time with the “freaks”. Indian Bob gives Harold a razor as a symbol of turning into an adult. The elephants are getting better at baseball. Roman, the rigger, bullies Harold and in defense of Harold, Conrad (an elephant) nearly kills Roman. Mr. Hunter, the boss of the circus, almost shoots Conrad but Harold reasons with him. On the way to the next stop Harold has to ride with Wicks, the cook. Wicks helps Harold see the lies of the circus. Later, Flip tells Harold that she is going to get married to Roman. The whole circus engages in a baseball game with the elephants. Conrad runs the bases and topples over Tina. A short moment later, Tina passes away. Mr. Hunter then shoots Conrad. Harold decides to go home and the next morning says all of his goodbyes. When he gets home, he finds his mom and Honey surrounding him in love. tDr. Seuss once said, “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” I thought that Ghost Boy was a book that kept you wanting to turn the page and taught you an important lesson of self acceptance.
—Elsa Meyer

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