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Read Gold Digger (2012)

Gold Digger (2012)

Online Book

3.9 of 5 Votes: 1
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Riptide Publishing

Gold Digger (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Fundamentally solid writing, but I think the parts may have been greater than the sum of it. (Dot dot dot question mark.) I guess I just had a hard time getting into it, and, really, any time I like the sex scenes best (sex scenes with lots of "cum"s being flung around, no less,) there's something off somewhere. Everything about this book should have been a home run for me, and I can't even put my finger on why it wasn't, other than feeling like the boardroom shenanigans and family drama were just a shade on the dry side.Three and a half stars. All in all not bad!I wish the story focused more on Nikolai and Henri, i hardly felt connected to either one of them!There were a lot of boring unnecessary talking and details about business! What's the point of all of these details anyway?! Pulse i didn't understand all Nikolai's hesitation and holding back! His reasons weren't Convincing enough! Also i hoped there would've been more background about Henri; anything that might helped me understand and know him more. The most and almost the only thing i loved about this book is seeing Vadim and the develop in his relationship with Nikolai......i loved their scenes a lot i was really touched by made me teary! And yeah i can't deny that their some of their Sex scenes were steamy and hoooooot! :DAll in all it's not bad like i said but i expected better than that.but because it's one of my all time favorite author's book i'm not gonna give a low rating like i intended (2stars),i'm gonna give it a 3 stars rating. :)

What do You think about Gold Digger (2012)?

It was just nice, but a bit too short. And I enjoyed getting some glimpse of Vadim.

Sweet little book! Nikolai is absolutely adorable!!!

Good, but in some parts I didn't feel it

3.75 rounded up to 4

Great writing!

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