If you were to apply proper logic to the circumstances, then the fat drunkard Alyssa had encountered should have awoken with a bad hangover (and little recollection of what had happened to him) then have stumbled home, fallen onto his bed and spent the next few days recovering; wondering if perhaps getting drunk again was a bad idea. If the reality were different he may have considered joining a support group and giving up on drinking altogether. He might even have moved on to becoming a model citizen. However, this theoretical series of logic events are not what occurred. The reality was more brutal. As said drunk was now hanging by his chin from a spiked metal railing; very dead. To the casual observer it would appear he had fallen from the pathway that ran along the top of an earthen mound that in turn ringed the cities' southern districts. The south of the city had been identified long ago as not easily defensible in war, so to remedy this the Argon army had raised the mound around it. After the Six Nations' War a pathway had been laid on top of the defensive mounds of earth. A good idea on the surface, but the problem lay in that the mounds were augmented by spiked metal rails pointing inwards and outwards that ran continuously either side of the mounds, originally as defensive barriers and now as generally dangerous hazards for the general public. The Mounds Walkway, as it was known, was not a safe place when your ability to walk in straight lines was impaired.
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