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Read Heartbreak For Dinner: It's Kind Of A Long Story

Heartbreak for Dinner: It's Kind of a Long Story

Online Book

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Heartbreak For Dinner: It's Kind Of A Long Story - Plot & Excerpts

Please proceed with caution and do not judge me (not that you would if you’ve made it this far).
I’ve been drinking NyQuil. And hot tea and some soup. Also, I had an Oreo against my better judgment.
I guess what this means is, I’m not all there.
This chapter will not make sense tomorrow but it’s okay because it makes sense now and I’ve already resolved to include it in the book like some sort of science experiment in its rarest form. Also? I will not fix typos or use proper punctuation. That stuff is trivial and spelling things right is overrated and if you don’t believe me, just ask my current employer (and every other professional I’ve met over the last decade).
Last week, a job agency called me and asked if I was interested in an office management position and I said, Do dogs drool for cheeseburgers? And she replied, Okay! I started today and it turns out it’s not a management position at all, but a “receptionist/housekeeper/do-girl” position for a whopping $10.00 an hour.

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