Wait up.” I pull off my backpack as hurry to catch up to her in the student parking lot. I’ve been trying for weeks now to get the chick to go out with my hockey teammate, Jake Edwards. Jake will give me his sweet tickets to the professional hockey game if I can get her to go out with him. I need to be able to see that game or I’ll die. I mean, I have seats to it already, but the tickets he scored—well, I’m chasing after Daisy for them. Big time. The thing is though, she won’t give Jake the time of day. And she’s taken to flipping me whenever I even suggest she go out with him. She gives me an impatient glance now as I catch up to her. But she lets me catch up to her. That’s the thing—she likes the attention, even if she can’t act like she likes it. “Looking good, Daisy,” I tell her. “You had my good friend and teammate, Jake, losing his mind.” She gives me a flirty smile, “How ‘bout your mind?” Suddenly, I’m distracted. Because I hear a sound behind me.