On the verge of graduating to the “real-world” pressures of college and careers, these senior students travel back in time to a society of formal clothing and corsages. For some, the events of this night are a fun interlude before the renewed stress of graduation. For others, the decisions they make will be life-changing: a boy defends his family’s honor with his fists. A girl dances with the young man who will be her life partner. A student casts off the role of class jock for a more serious place in society. In the swirl of music and lights, surrounded by friends old and new, members of the senior class of Hartland High are changed by this night, in ways large and small. Cinderella had her royal ball; these students have the prom to aid their transformation from children to adults. CHARLA FINISHED READING and laid aside the latest issue of the Hartland Herald. Amy shifted from foot to foot, her stomach in knots.