She returned from that visit almost sprightly (desperate?) in her attempts to please and to ingratiate herself into the household. Clare watched her listening, taking note, modifying her language and behaviour as carefully as an animal adapts its camouflage to fit into a new environment. She helped Bryony to fold and deliver the January Women’s Paper. She accompanied Clare herself to the Refuge and looked after the children while the women had a meeting with some councillors. She marched with them on International Women’s Day. She came to the C.R. group the three of them belonged to, and looked, and listened, and said nothing. Clare was not fooled by any of this, although Sue certainly was, and Bryony seemed to be coming round. Caro’s silences were too deliberate, pregnant with disagreement and criticism. She asked for explanations which she received without comment, as if listening to someone who had just incriminated herself. She was exhausting company, not because she argued but because there was a constant play of restless nervous energy in her.