Her Mysterious Protector (Her Protector Alpha Male Military Romance Book 1) - Plot & Excerpts
Again. She was running much faster than her slightly out of shape body could really manage, just to make sure her damn handbag wasn't stolen. Again. For such a tiny town, the elusive purse snatcher seemed to enjoy a wide berth and was able to work his mojo. This had been the third hit Dana had sustained that month and she was taking it real personal. She changed up her schedule; spread her cash to two different banks and even got paid via direct deposit by one client but this guy was good. A pro. An Olympian at making a patsy out of her. Well not today - she hoped. Dana let her guard down a little and thought she had the strangely persistent purse snatcher outfoxed. So she really wasn't dressed for the 880 meter dash she was engaged in. Her silk wrap-around dress barely had her contained – let alone stabilized – as she booked it down Thayer Street. She was making a pretty good effort in her three inch heels but it was too much and she had to let them go. One. Two. She flung one slingback over her shoulder and gripped the other like a weapon.
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