Tsunami, an unfortunate name in 2011. What can the owners do? Heloise is sympathetic to the challenges inherent in rebranding. When she had to change her name, she felt the need to stay connected to her original name, and not just for business reasons. Why? Chopsticks poised over her sashimi, she can no longer remember why it was important to her to keep the first syllable of what some might call her Chris tian name while holding on to the surname of the man she despised more than any other. Is her father the one she despises the most? The competition, after all, is notable. She considers the top candidates. Billy. Val. No, her father’s still the champion asshole of the world, because he was supposed to love her and he didn’t. The other men didn’t owe her anything, except perhaps the money and time stolen from her. Besides, if her father had been a different person, perhaps she wouldn’t have ended up with a Billy, much less a Val. Usually Heloise has no use for the blanket blame applied to parents.