KHLOE SAID, GRABBING MY arm. She had the famous Khloe look—like she had to talk or she would burst. “I was dying to talk to you guys, but I couldn’t say what I wanted to in front of the boys.” Carina giggled. “Dying, huh? I had an idea that something was going on when you looked at me and kept blinking—like you were trying to send me a message in Morse code or something.” Khloe nodded, her blond hair flying. “I was! Well, not in Morse code because I don’t know how, but I was trying to tell you that we needed girl time. I couldn’t say anything especially because of Zack.” We wandered out of the arena and into a side yard. People and horses were everywhere. Volunteers were leading Thoroughbreds to and from the stable, catching and releasing them into paddocks, or grooming horses standing at tie rings. At least a dozen riders were exercising horses. “Let’s go sit on the fence and watch the horses being exercised in that arena,” Brielle said. She tipped her chin toward a giant rectangle-shaped arena not too far away.