Tempe Walsh is fluent in ten languages—and she can't say no to adventure. Next stop: India! Her mission: find the priceless—and mysterious—statue known as Shiva's Diva. Her man: Briggan O'Brian, a sexy Irishman on the run from the Mumbai Mob. Brig has a strange way of doing business, whatever that business may be. And she's still not sure how she ended up in his arms when the shooting started—but what if her bullet-deflecting earrings don't work the next time?Brig's too busy to explain why everyone's after the fabulous figurine—he's having a devil of time just keeping one gorgeous American girl out of danger. And there's only one place left to hide: a Bollywood movie complete with villains, lovers, and a mother-in-law from hell. Hey, there's a happy ending—if anyone can find the script.