House Of Mystery, Vol. 1: Room And Boredom (2009) - Plot & Excerpts
I actually got introduced to this series by a comic reviewer (Linkara from Atop The Fourth Wall) and once I started reading it I was hooked. Sure as the story progressed I was confused, excited and even more eager to continue reading. At times the story was confusing but that also kept me to continue reading it. I like the way the authors included the storytelling into the picture, at first I thought the small stories had bearing on the big, main, story but then I just sat back and just enjoyed them. I wouldn't say this story is for everyone. Still if you like a mystery this could be something for you. It's not too terribly often I actually write out reviews these days but this graphic novel definitely deserves it! I didn't realize until I started reading that Bill Willingham was involved in the making of this first installment, but it definitely makes sense, and I would highly recommend this to anyone who enjoyed Fables. It's chock full of suspense, mystery, subtle horror and fantastic stories, and upon finishing the first one I immediately got online and ordered the second volume, something I do not often do. This is probably the most excited I have been about a series since maybe Fables or Lock & Key, and I can't wait to find out what's next.
What do You think about House Of Mystery, Vol. 1: Room And Boredom (2009)?
Interesting, with echoes of Sandman. Too gory though, and gore without meaning.
Sturges & Willingham can do no wrong, in my opinion.