My favorite graphic novel is the macabre, creepy graphic novel. I was turned onto this series loosely based on the old House of Mystery comic books of the past. This is the fourth in the series! There is one story encompassing the whole series, that of the people populating a bar in the House of Mystery, but those bar patrons need to tell stories to get drinks so there is plenty of short treasures in the pages as well. The art is great and diverse! It's really between a 2 and a half or so. It could've been because I read Vol. 4 as oppose to reading the series from the beginning, but I don't think that's it. The narration I liked and some of the illustrations I liked a lot. But there were some things that felt unnecessary. For example to sexual references or the vulgar language, I mean I'm not against any of that when it's called for in the story but there is a big difference between depiction moments of intimacy or being vulgar in relation to the story and a whole other thing to include it in the story just because you can. I would've liked the volume a tremendous amount more if the tasteless aspects were taken out.
House of Mystery is ok, though it hasn't really grabbed me yet. We'll see.
Starting to lose interest in the series.
Didn't really like this one that much.
More! I want more!!