House Of The Four Winds, The (2014) - Plot & Excerpts
I loved this book, but the reason I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 stars, it's because of how crunched the plot was. It was almost like Mercedes and James had a time limit, which they didn't do such a bad job with if they had one, but if they didn't have a time limit to finish this book? The plot, after the conflict, seems rushed. *****spoilers*****Great book though, semi-realistic love interests, would have liked to get into the second main characters' to read more about the blatant homoeroticism, and a few other characters heads that would have really pulled the story together a lot better but I'm not the writer. Surprisingly good! Not at all hasty or superficial, as I sometimes find with Lackey. A strong heroine, a believable hero, and a decent villainess. I thought she was a tiny bit too readily defeated, but that was a minor complaint. I'd also have liked to know more about her sidekick, if you can call him that. His role could have been foreshadowed a bit, I think. But minor complaints about an otherwise excellently fun novel. I look forward to the other 11 sisters' stories!
What do You think about House Of The Four Winds, The (2014)?
Nothing surprising or deep here, but a fun fairytale style read.
2.5 stars...Not much romance! Will I even remember this?
Loved this book! Can't wait for the next book!