Book #5 of the continuing Safehold series contains more of the things everyone has come to expect, and love and hate about Weber's books. He does have great story telling ability, but sometimes the story gets bogged down in massive amounts of politics description and info dumps. The sheer number of characters and complexity of Safeholdian politics can be overwhelming. Luckily there's a list of characters at the end of the book for quick reference. But, this list has grown to around 40 pages over the course of the series. Some names are very similar and that just adds to the confusion.This book contained a couple of twists and unexpected turns, which was a welcome divergence from the status quo of the previous couple of volumes. Because of that I am nudging it up a star. The 'evil' church steps things up a bit when they finally realize they are getting their asses handed to them over and over by trying to go head to head in a military confrontation. So they resort to basic terrorism tactics. Things are being setup for a major conflict on land so I hope that is the focus of the next book.This book only covers one year of time in 600 pages. During the course of the book the main characters discover that a major event is scheduled to occur in less than 20 years. So I sure hope Mr Weber does not take another 20 books to get to that point!. I liked it a lot, and it moved the series forward somewhat. I did find the first chapter a sidestep that did nothing in my mind to advance the plot. Also toward the end, a couple of near Deus Ex Machina events occured which strained the imagination. The action toward the end was fast and heavy. Of course, there are multiple unresolved issues, so I will read the next installment when it appears in paper.
What do You think about How Firm A Foundation (2011)?
This is a complex book of olden days with future people just dropping in. A true battle going on.
Good read - lots of action and detail as usual with Weber
Webber has made these charactors my friends.