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Read How I Planned Your Wedding: The All-True Story Of A Mother And Daughter Surviving The Happiest Day Of Their Lives (2011)

How I Planned Your Wedding: The All-True Story of a Mother and Daughter Surviving the Happiest Day of Their Lives (2011)

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0373892276 (ISBN13: 9780373892273)

How I Planned Your Wedding: The All-True Story Of A Mother And Daughter Surviving The Happiest Day Of Their Lives (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

Read so many great reviews of this book, so I'm not really sure why I seemed to be the only one to not enjoy it. As an engaged person myself, I was hoping for some pointers. Instead, I got to read a story of a privileged bride who doesn't realize she's privileged. She tries to make the argument that her wedding was on a strict budget, but the fact of the matter is that her parents gave her $20,000 for the big day. That's not exactly tight purse strings. Yes, there are weddings with way bigger budgets, but there are also weddings with smaller budgets where the bride and groom are also trying to buy a house and their parents aren't able to give them any financial support (i.e. me). I also didn't agree with many of the things in the book, like when she says that no one remembers the food at weddings. Maybe she's too busy calling herself fat (we get think everyone is skinnier than you!), but there are a lot of us who DO remember the food. Food is my top priority! Also, her mother wouldn't have been all up in her wedding if the daughter had paid for it herself, so you get what you give. The daughter author clearly has an undiagnosed case of OCS (only child syndrome...please don't use the "but I'm close to my cousins!" line...not the same; cousins have their own parents!) and I wish more of the book had been written by the mother, who is a writer and seems more relaxed in general. One last note, she is 25 years old and consistently calls her mother "Mommy" and admits that she calls her on the phone 4-5 times a day. That's a therapist's field day! I'm close to my mother too, but there are boundaries. I think I had trouble truly enjoying this memoir because I kept getting stuck on how...close the mother and daughter describe themselves being. The dynamic between them is so different than that between me and my own mom, that I found myself constantly thinking, "oh my gosh, thank goodness my mom isn't like that."So...yeah. This book has its entertaining moments...but there was a little too much "how to plan YOUR wedding" feel to it for this to be as much a memoir as the summary on the jacket made it sound.

What do You think about How I Planned Your Wedding: The All-True Story Of A Mother And Daughter Surviving The Happiest Day Of Their Lives (2011)?

Saw an interview this morning with the author on Sonoran Living. Sounds hilarious!

Very funny book. Actually made it fun to read about planning a wedding.

Not a good day to read this book, may try to read it again later!

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