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Read I Heart Christmas (2013)

I Heart Christmas (2013)

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I Heart Christmas (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

As you may know, I love Lindsey Kelk's book and I have had this book for a while but waited until Novemeber to start reading it. I think it's my favourite in the series so far as Angela stays at home this time instead of travelling and you get to see more of an insight to Alex. I also like how Lindsey has brought in Louisa, Angela's friend from back home in England, she has been mentioned and has made a cameo in the other books but in this one she is one of the main characters to the story. The main plot to the story is Angela and Alex are living in New York and are moving into a new apartment for Christmas, but Louisa turns up surprising Angela with baby Grace.A great read if you love chick lit. Inhaltsangabe:Angela könnte nicht glücklicher sein, immerhin ist sie mit Alex verheiratet und Weihnachten steht vor der Tür und sie plant ihr ganz persönliches Märchenweihnachtsfest, doch wie es scheint hat das Schicksal anderes mit ihr vor, denn ihre Eltern haben ihren Besuch angekündigt, ihre beste Freundin Louisa steht unangekündigt vor der Tür und auch Alex benimmt sich merkwürdig ... Meine Einschätzung:Ich gestehe, dass ich mich auf diesen Teil der Reihe besonders gefreut habe und doch bin ich nun nach dem Beenden vonb Bd. 6 etwas enttäuscht.Sicher, der Schreibstil war wieder leicht und flüssig zu lesen und doch hatte dieser Teil der Reihe einen weitaus ernsteren Unterton als die vorangegangenen Teile. Es fehlte ihm sichtlich an Leichtigkeit. Bei div. Dialogen im Buch und dessen Inhalt dachte ich nur: "Du hast soooooo recht, Angela!"Keine Frage, der Roman war auch stellenweise lustig, witzig, sporitzig, charmant und mitunter romantisch, doch trotzallem fehlte einfach was.Bei der Handlung selbst überraschte ich mich die Autorin nicht sonderlich, trotzdem fühlte ich mich (bis auf einige Punkte, die ich hier nicht verraten werde) recht gut unterhalten und ich fühle irgendwie, dass dies nicht die letzte "Reise" von Angela Clark war.Auch bei den Charakteren ware ich mitunter schockiert, wie anders sich bis dato liebenswürdige Charaktere aufführen - fast schon irrational! Nichts desto trotz gab es auch schöne Momente mit den liebgewonnenen Charakteren und gerade diese söhnten mich mit dem Rest des Buches aus.Alles in Allem ein schöner, wenn auch schwächerer 6. Teil mit viel mehr Tiefe als alle anderen Teile zuvor.Mein Fazit:4 Sterne und lesenswert.

What do You think about I Heart Christmas (2013)?

This book was excellent. I have been super excited about this book since Lindsey first announced. For me reading an I heart book is like being with a friend you love but haven���t seen for ages. Its excellent. Christmas is my absolute favourite time of year. The food, the music, the decorations��� sorry I am easily distracted when it comes to Christmas. I am yet to spend a Christmas in New York but I will make it happen. after reading I heart Christmas I am going to have to start putting those pennies away for next year. It sounds truly magical. I love Angela. I have done since she first jumped on that plane and went to New York a sobbing mess and ended up under the wing of Ms Jenny Lopez. Sometimes I do wish she would talk to someone rather than bottling everything up and then ultimately exploding, but maybe that wouldn���t make such an amazing book. I was extremely jealous of all the chrismtassy things that the gang experienced. Christmas is still a little way away but I am so ready for it this year. well except for the presents. obviously. Alex has to be the sweetest boyfriend/husband ever. As always he was fsntastic when Angela has her meltdown. I loved his Christmas present to Angela. It was great to see the gang altogether again Jenny, James, Louisa, Craig & Graham all joining in on the festivities. It was even great to have Cici back. A part of me really wants her to change���That could just be wishful thinking on my part though.I thought this was an excellent addition to the I Heart Series and I hope it won���t be the last. I will absolutely be using the guide in the back of the book when I finally get myself a NY Christmas

As you may know, I love Lindsey Kelk's book and I have had this book for a while but waited until Novemeber to start reading it. I think it's my favourite in the series so far as Angela stays at home this time instead of travelling and you get to see more of an insight to Alex. I also like how Lindsey has brought in Louisa, Angela's friend from back home in England, she has been mentioned and has made a cameo in the other books but in this one she is one of the main characters to the story. The main plot to the story is Angela and Alex are living in New York and are moving into a new apartment for Christmas, but Louisa turns up surprising Angela with baby Grace.A great read if you love chick lit.

My best friend first introduced me to the I heart series and I have enjoyed them ever since.

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