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Read Il Sogno Del Celta (2010)

Il sogno del celta (2010)

Online Book

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8806208314 (ISBN13: 9788806208318)

Il Sogno Del Celta (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

My feelings about this book are somewhat divided. As a work of fiction I didn't enjoy it. I never became sufficiently emotionally invested. The writing style also annoyed me. The first section is hard work. There are sections which just don't flow and jarred with me. The language seemed basic. It picked up in the second section but then fell apart again in the third section. Despite apparently being written from the perspective of Casement reflecting back on his life, it jumps between the first and third person which is irritating. I also felt the final section was rushed. Only one chapter dedicated to his work in connection with the republican movement and the events leading up to the Rising.On the flip side, from a historical perspective I enjoyed it. While I know a fair bit about the Easter Rising, Casement was not a figure I knew a lot about. His name rang a bell in connection with trying to get the German guns to Ireland but that was about it. It was interesting to learn more about him and fill in that gap in my knowledge. However I could have read a biography and known everything was based on fact, rather then this which I must take with a pinch of salt as some may be a work of fiction. I am left with the feeling that Casement was an extremely interesting figure. A great humanitarian, diplomat and the potential to be a great politician, but with a complicated, questionable, personal life. This book failed to do him justice, and perhaps given how interesting a figure he was in real life it never could. Reality was better then any story. سيرة المناضل الإيرلندي روجر كيسمنت الذي اعترض على إنتهاكات حقوق الإنسان في الكونغو ودافع عن حقوق هنود الأمازون وحلم باِستقلال بلاده “أيرلندا” والنضال ضد الاستعمار ثم حُكم عليه بالإعدام شنقًا !! هذه نتيجة أن تكون مخلصًا وصادقًا في عالم استهلاكي قاسي لا يرحم ولا يُفكر إلا بالربح، ولا قيمة للإنسان !؟ وبعد مرور مئة عام على ازدهار المطاط لا تزال العبودية مستمرة إلى اليوم تحت أنواع مختلفة من الازدهار في كل مكان حول العالم ! ولن تقف أو تنتهي في ظل الصراع المادي !٠الفكرة التي اجتذبت كيسمنت إلى أفريقيا: أن الإمبراطورية والاستعمار سيفتحان طريق الحداثة والتقدم ! لكنه اكتشف أن الهدف الحقيقي لوجود الأوروبيين في أفريقيا ليس مساعدة الأفارقة على الخروج من الوثنية والهمجية، وإنما استغلال القارة بجشع لا يعرف حدودًا في التعسف والقسوة !٠وكالعادة كان لترجمة صالح علماني أثرٌ عظيم ٠

What do You think about Il Sogno Del Celta (2010)?

Nunca atrapó mi atención. Después de tenerlo "pendiente", decidí dejarlo en la mitad.

A novel-biography.A far beneath media book of Vargas Llosa.

Un libro muy crudo, no apto para estómagos débiles.

muy descriptivo

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