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Mario Vargas Llosa books

Mario Vargas Llosa
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Read Books by Mario Vargas Llosa


El sueño del celta (2010)

It was only when I got to the epilogue, that I realised it was a biography. I had my suspicions, but didn't bother to look it up before i started reading. I may have read it differently because of this.So, what I mainly liked about the book, is that it portrais a real human being. A hero with fla...

El sueño del celta (2010) by Mario Vargas Llosa

O Herói Discreto (2013)

"Era o que eu estava a fazer. Armida planeou tudo com astúcia. É claro que se a piuranira não tivesse alguns encantos físicos, de nada lhe valeriam a inteligência e a astúcia. Justiniana viu-a nua, claro. Se me perguntares como e porquê, não sei. Seguramente tomaram banho juntas, alguma vez. Ou d...

O Herói Discreto (2013) by Mario Vargas Llosa

L'eroe discreto (2013)

Comencé a leer este libro porque fue seleccionado por el club de lectura al cual pertenezco y lo terminé porque fue escrito por Vargas Llosa. De haber sido otro autor, no creo que hubiese leído más de 60 páginas. Sinceramente, no se sí el impedimento a disfrutar el libro fue deficiencia del lib...

L'eroe discreto (2013) by Mario Vargas Llosa

The Dream of the Celt (2010)

Leave it to Vargas Llosa to come up with a new and unexpected twist on anti-colonialism with this fictional biography/historical novel about the Irish nationalist, Roger Casement. While I was vaguely aware of his involvement in the Easter 1916 rebellion, I was totally unaware of his background, w...

The Dream of the Celt (2010) by Mario Vargas Llosa

O Sonho do Celta (2010)

“I don’t like heroes”, says Mr. Stirs, the English Consul at Iquitos, in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon, to Roger Casement, the tortured hero of Irish nationalism, & he might as well have added that the world doesn’t like them either.Mario Vargas Llosa’s novelization of Sir Roger Casement’s lif...

O Sonho do Celta (2010) by Mario Vargas Llosa

Il sogno del celta (2010)

My feelings about this book are somewhat divided. As a work of fiction I didn't enjoy it. I never became sufficiently emotionally invested. The writing style also annoyed me. The first section is hard work. There are sections which just don't flow and jarred with me. The language seemed basic. It...

Il sogno del celta (2010) by Mario Vargas Llosa

Los Cachorros (2000)

رواية قصيرة لا تروي شغف عشاق يوسا لسببين أولهما الترجمة المتواضعة و عدم التمكن من استيعاب طريقة يوسا في تعدد الأصوات أما ثانيها فهو الاستعجال الذي كان يوسا يكتب به - أظنه كذلك - فالأحداث تمر سراعاً لفتى كان هو الأول في مدرسته و في كل شيء تقريباً حتى هاجم كلب المدرسة خصيتيه و تمكن من ذكورته فتحول ...

Los Cachorros (2000) by Mario Vargas Llosa

Fonsito i księżyc (2010)

هذه القصة المُصورة من المفترض أنها للأطفال ،ولكن إذا حكيتها لأطفال كيف تحكي لهم أن طفل يريد أن يٌقبَل فتاة على خدها ؟"هذا مالم أستطع إستيعابه"لكن القصة رسوماتها الجميلة خفيفة الظل ،وعندما يقع بيدك قصة للأطفال ستُسعدك كيفما كان . جميل جدا إني أبدأ يومي بقصة لطيفة زي دي :) الأطفال أمورهم غالبا بتكو...

Fonsito i księżyc (2010) by Mario Vargas Llosa

Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter (1995)

That is what Contrafactus is all about. In everyday thought, we are constantly manufacturing mental variants on situations we face, ideas we have, or events that happen, and we let some features stay exactly the same while others "slip". What features do we let slip? What ones do we not even cons...

Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter (1995) by Mario Vargas Llosa

Three Plays: The Young Lady from Tacna, Kathie and the Hippopotamus, La Chunga (1990)

In these three plays--each introduced by the author--Mario Vargas Llosa, the internationally acclaimed novelist and a cultural and political figure in Peru, explores the complexities of Peruvian society and the writer's imagination.

Three Plays: The Young Lady from Tacna, Kathie and the Hippopotamus, La Chunga (1990) by Mario Vargas Llosa

La ciudad y los perros (2000)

When ever I come to names such as “Llosa”, “Borges”, “Cortazar”, “Fuentes”... I wish I knew Spanish language, as I’m sure works by these authors would have a different aroma and melody in their own tongues. Llosa is, for me, one of the greatest story tellers, whose works give me deliciousness in ...

La ciudad y los perros (2000) by Mario Vargas Llosa

Pantaleón y las visitadoras (2002)

Pantaleon Pantoja, a recently promoted army captain, is entrusted with a top-secret mission to establish a prostitution service for the Armed Forces of Peru. As a faithful soldier, Pantaleon transfers to Iquitos in the middle of the jungle, to carry out his mission. His enthusiasm, however, endan...

Pantaleón y las visitadoras (2002) by Mario Vargas Llosa

The Notebooks of Don Rigoberto (1999)

Finished! Father, son and wife - they certainly all deserve eachother. I will throw at you all the thoughts that this novel throws at me. These three characters continually throw the real and the imaginary at each other. Delightfully, absurdly and horribly. What is real and what isn't? Well the r...

The Notebooks of Don Rigoberto (1999) by Mario Vargas Llosa

The War of the End of the World (1986)

كانودوس ليست قصة إنها شجرة من القصص *أتسائل بعد كل رواية انتهي منها مالذي يجعل هذا الروائي ناجحا وذلك لاولماذا أبحث عن بقية أعمال ذلك الروائي وذلك لا ومع إنني أكرر السؤال في كل مرة إلا إنني لا أعتقد أن الجواب صعبا الذكاء الحس والأسلوب والأهم تلك اللحظات العبقرية التي أجدها في عمل ما ولا أجدها...

The War of the End of the World (1986) by Mario Vargas Llosa

La Guerra del Fin del Mundo (2006)

A finales del siglo XIX, en las tierras paupérrimas del noreste del Brasil, el chispazo de las arengas del Consejero, personaje mesiánico y enigmático, prenderá la insurrección de los desheredados. En circunstancias extremas como aquéllas, la consecución de la dignidad vital sólo podrá venir de l...

La Guerra del Fin del Mundo (2006) by Mario Vargas Llosa

Travesuras de la niña mala (2006)

تنبيه: هذه مراجعة ممتعضة، فلا تقرأها إن كنت أحد المهووسين بالروايةريكاردو الطيب حد السذاجة عشق امرأة لعوب _لا اسم ثابت لها يقيدها_ مذ كانا مراهقين... و طفقت هذه المرأة تظهر و تختفي في حياته بصدف و حبكات مختلفة، تلوعه و تذيب قلبه ثم تهجره لتعاود الظهور تارة أخرى، على مدى أكثر من ثلاثين عاما... حتى...

Travesuras de la niña mala (2006) by Mario Vargas Llosa

Threebies: Mario Vargas Llosa - "Aunt Julia And The Scriptwriter"; "Death In The Andes"; "The Notebooks Of Don Rigoberto" (Faber "Threebies") (2003)

This set of three books by Mario Vargas Llosa includes: "Aunt Julia And The Scriptwriter"; "Death In The Andes"; and "The Notebooks Of Don Rigoberto". It forms part of Faber's "Threebies" series, which offers different sets of three titles, each set written by a best-selling author.

Threebies: Mario Vargas Llosa -

The Cubs and Other Stories (1999)

In 'The Cubs and Other Stories' Vargas Llosa's domain is the Peru of male youth and machismo, where life's dramas play themselves out on the soccer field, on the dance floor and on street corners.

The Cubs and Other Stories (1999) by Mario Vargas Llosa

La fiesta del chivo (2001)

¿Por qué regresa Urania Cabral a la isla que juró no volver a pisar? ¿Por qué sigue vacía y llena de miedo desde los catorce años? ¿Por qué no ha tenido un solo amor?En La Fiesta del Chivo asistimos a un doble retorno. Mientras Urania visita a su padre en Santo Domingo, volvemos a 1961, cuando la...

La fiesta del chivo (2001) by Mario Vargas Llosa

Death in the Andes

The cantinero patted Lituma on the shoulder. “Congratulations, Corporal!” Dionisio was the only one who seemed to be in good spirits in the funereal atmosphere of the cantina. It was crowded, but the laborers had the faces of condemned men. They were in small groups, holding their glasses, smokin...

Death in the Andes by Mario Vargas Llosa

The Bad Girl

Paul had started out at the Mexico Lindo as a kitchen boy, and in a short time, thanks to his culinary skills, he was promoted to chef s assistant, and by the time he left it all to dedicate himself body and soul to the revolution, he was the restaurant's regular cook.     In ...

The Bad Girl by Mario Vargas Llosa

The Discreet Hero

After two weeks of persistent fog and damp and an intermittent drizzle that barely wet anything but penetrated down to one’s bones, this kind of beginning seemed a good omen.     Rigoberto’s appointment in the office of the examining magistrate was for ten that morning. Dr. Cl...

The Discreet Hero by Mario Vargas Llosa

Who Killed Palomino Molero?

asked Lieutenant Silva sarcastically. “Can it be true that it comes from that story about the priest and his maid? What do you think, Doña Lupe?”     Amotape is thirty miles south of Talara, surrounded by sun-parched rocks and scorching sand dunes. There are dry bushes, carob ...

Who Killed Palomino Molero? by Mario Vargas Llosa

Conversation in the Cathedral

He had sneaked away, for just a little while, to see you, Amalia. They didn’t fight, they had a nice talk. They made a date for Sunday. My, you’ve changed, he told her as he was leaving, how nice you’ve become. Could she really have got that much better? Carlota told her you’ve got everything a m...

Conversation in the Cathedral by Mario Vargas Llosa

The Storyteller (1989)

It’s bad that wisdom should be getting lost. Before, there were any number of seripigaris, and if the man who walks had any doubts about what to eat, how to cure the evil, or which stones protect against Kientibakori and his little devils, he went and asked. There was always a seripigari close by...

The Storyteller (1989) by Mario Vargas Llosa

The Real Life of Alejandro Mayta (1984)

The prisoners housed in building number 2 invited me to the opening of a library, which someone decided ought to be named after me. So I accepted their invitation, in part because I was curious to find out if what people said was really true about the Lima prison. To get there by car, you have to...

The Real Life of Alejandro Mayta (1984) by Mario Vargas Llosa

The Dream of the Celt: A Novel

Because in the confusion of his nights, on this one the thought of his friend—ex-friend now—Herbert Ward had kept him frightened and tense as he dreamed. But it was not in Africa, where they had met when both were working for the expedition of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, or afterward, in Paris, whe...

The Dream of the Celt: A Novel by Mario Vargas Llosa

The Feast of the Goat

said Simon Gittleman, flushed from the glasses of champagne and wine, or, perhaps, emotion. “Of all the steps you have taken to make this country great, which was the most difficult?” He spoke excellent Spanish, with a very faint accent, nothing like the caricatured language full of errors and in...

The Feast of the Goat by Mario Vargas Llosa

A Fish in the Water: A Memoir (2015)

for November 3, “in support of the war of the people.”     The following morning, the United Left candidate for the mayoralty of Lima and the presidency, Henry Pease García, announced that on the day chosen by the Sendero Luminoso movement for the work stoppage he would take t...

A Fish in the Water: A Memoir (2015) by Mario Vargas Llosa

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