Illustrated Theory Of Everything: The Origin And Fate Of The Universe - Plot & Excerpts
P. Hartley wrote, “The past is a foreigncountry. They do things differently there-but why is the past so differentfrom the future? Why do we remember the past, but not the future?” In otherwords, why does time go forward? Is this connected with the fact that the uni-verse is expanding?C, P, TThe laws of physics do not distinguish between the past and the future. Moreprecisely, the laws of physics are unchanged under the combination of opera-tions known as C, P, and T. (C means changing particles for antiparticles. Pmeans taking the mirror image so left and right are swapped for each other.And T means reversing the direction of motion of all particles-in effect, run-ning the motion backward.) The laws of physics that govern the behavior ofmatter under all normal situations are unchanged under the operations C andP on their own. In other words, life would be just the same for the inhabitantsof another planet who were our mirror images and who were made of antimat-ter. If you meet someone from another planet and he holds out his left hand,don’t shake it.
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