Choo sauntered into the suite where three makeup artists worked. I sat in the center chair with my half sister, Amanda, to my left and Sophia, my twin, on my right. “We’ve got to get photos of the three Legend girls together. These will be worth more than the pictures of the wedding.” He looked at his assistant, Betty. “Go get Julio.” My heart sank to my toes. Not only did I feel as though I wore a tight mask of goop on my face, but this public-private moment wasn’t easy for me. I felt like a fish on a bicycle with the hair, the makeup, and the gown that I knew was next, just as soon as my face was finished. I loved being with Amanda and Sophia, and my two sisters seemed to have started to get along. My twin had mellowed since she’d fallen in love with Trick. “T minus ninety minutes, people. Okay? I mean we’re all looking lovely, but it’s go time soon,” Choo said. Julio, the famous fashion photog who’d agreed to shoot Choo and Jackson’s wedding, followed Betty into the room.