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Read In Bed With The Bachelor (Bachelor Auction Book 5)

In Bed with the Bachelor (Bachelor Auction Book 5)

Online Book

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Tule Publishing

In Bed With The Bachelor (Bachelor Auction Book 5) - Plot & Excerpts

Michaela forgot about her drink. She forgot where they were. There was no historic saloon, no blustery winter wind rocketing down the Marietta streets outside, no state of Montana stretched out like eternity on all sides.
There was only Jesse and he was far more intoxicating.
“Tell me more about the guy you hooked up with,” he said then, still smiling down at her, and Michaela felt her heart trip a bit, then start to beat harder. Deeper.
“I’m getting there,” she assured him.
“I don’t want to step on your moment here,” he said, and she didn’t see him move but he must have, because suddenly, he was like a wall around her.
Jesse reached over and slid his hand up the side of her neck and then held it there beneath her jaw, his thumb a sweet scrape from her cheekbone to her temple. Then back. It was drugging.
“But?” she asked, with what little voice she could muster when he was touching her again and she could feel that like an earthquake all the way through.
“Tell me if I get any of this wrong,”

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