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Read Infinity Pools (2011)

Infinity Pools (2011)

Online Book

4.03 of 5 Votes: 3
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Amber Quill Press, LLC

Infinity Pools (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

Can't give this any more than 5 stars, what a shame because Book 2 was even better than book 1.This book picks up from the first, with Elliott and Derek landing in Hawaii for Elliott's 'honeymoon' sans his ex, Ben. Derek is going to show Elliott the sights of his home over 2 weeks, and a good time. Maui fits Elliott and Derek as a couple, their relationship really develops here. Elliott turns out to be an excellent match for Derek, they have much in common and also complimented one another in different ways. Everything between them felt right, never forced. As an aside, I now feel like jumping on the next plane(s) to Maui after reading. The island's detail was lovely, like a travelogue amongst the hot sex and a burgeoning relationship.Great character development, sharp, realistic, witty dialogue, erotic writing, great romance, off the charts kissing (hate it in the movies or TV, love it in books). Nice end, couldn't ask for anything else.Highly recommended read. Start with book 1, Getting Off The Ground, it's not an absolute must, but they're both so good it's no hardship. L A Witt never fails to impress me and I'm now offically a fan. I liked this book much better than the first one. The glimpses we get of the island of Maui are nice if a little generic. I strongly suspect the author has never been there and thus, kept her portrait quite scant. I would have enjoyed more - especially when they go to Molokai which is not something most people do.The author must have consulted an ancient guide book to Maui since her descriptions of the road to Hana were true 10 years ago. ALL the roads have been paved and there are even painted lines. Though the road is winding, it is all paved now. I like the two leads a lot and will definitely be reading book three.

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