Something New Under The Sun (2013) - Plot & Excerpts
Совершенно не впечатлило, хотя лучше, чем первая часть. К концу немного поинтереснее стало,но совсем в конце. Все проблемы разрешаются быстро и несуразно. История с ребенком совсем странная, на фоне всех этих модов и вампиров можно было что-то поинтереснее придумать, а не "напились и так получилось". Разочаровало. Да и было бы действительно эффектнее, если бы Лайам продемонстрировал действие вакцины. А так все опять скомкано и натянуто. Автор не произвела впечатление, к сожалению. This is a really good sequel to the first book, and like that one it was suspenseful and tightly written.I liked both MCs from the first book, and that's the good thing about sequels, you know who you're dealing with, and hopefully you like them. Wouldn't be much point reading a sequel where you didn't.The futuristic plot is very well worked out and I loved seeing the body mods and even the sad state of the cities. The story was tied up nicely and I can honestly say I enjoyed every word.I like the cover here; it's perfect for Daniel, and it's the sort of 'grown-up' m/m cover I like. Absence of gratuitous, meaningless naked torsos. Yay!
What do You think about Something New Under The Sun (2013)?
A thrill on every page, but a little to tidy in the end. 3.5 stars
Fantastic! Great world and character building!!