So many of you have taken a chance on this new series and have given me such wonderful feedback. Getting to know so many of you through social media has been one of the best parts of writing for me. So thank you so much for all of your amazing support! Thanks my amazing street team captain and number 1 cheerleader! She’s kept me going through the dark times. To “The Bros” who inspired and continue to encourage me and make me feel like the coolest old lady ever. To one of my dearest friends Chris Marks who is a pillar of strength when all else feels lost. To Ellen, we-are-one-body, who continues to cheer me on. To Misha, who never leaves my side, who still tolerates me running over her tail more times than I can count, Alli who is just really freakin’ cool and has been so helpful. Thanks to Sarra Cannon who inspires and helps me along the way and all of the amazing authors I’ve met over the last year online and in person at events. You guys ROCK! Special thanks to an incredible lady who I will forever consider the “Waterer of Dreams”
What do You think about INK: Vanishing Point (Book 2)?