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Read Is He A Girl?

Is He a Girl?

Online Book

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Random House Children's Books

Is He A Girl? - Plot & Excerpts

8  … A Little Different He awoke to a loud cheer.
Casey Happleton was staring at him. “Oh my gosh,” she said. She bit her fìnger.
“What?” asked Marvin.
“You fell asleep in class!” said Casey. Then she laughed.
Marvin shrugged.
He wondered how long he’d been asleep. And if he had changed at all.
He looked around. The other kids were all excited about something.
“Settle down,” said Mrs. North, “or I’ll have to change my mind.”
“What happened?” asked Marvin.
“We get to go to Lake Park!” said Casey.
“Oh, goody!” said Marvin. He clapped his hands.
Casey looked at him funny. Her ponytail stuck out of the side of her head.
Marvin wondered what it would be like to have hair like that.
“What are you staring at?” asked Casey.
“Your ponytail,” he said.
“What about it?” she demanded.
“It’s cute,” he told her. “But you always wear your hair the same way. If I had long hair, I think I’d wear pigtails sometimes. Or maybe a French braid.”

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