I could see him twisting in his seat, trying to see who was behind him on the godforsaken stretch. He was also probably wondering what he was doing out there. Sarah had worked her magic. Finally back on the highway, I was silent on the way home. I had a lot to think about. None of my thoughts were very happy. Some of them should have been, but they weren’t. So I felt extra guilty and bad about those thoughts, which just spiraled my mood down into a pit of self-pity, and crankiness. I’m good at both of those emotions. Practice makes perfect they say. “What’s your problem?” Sarah asked from the back seat. I have often noticed that a bad mood is more infectious than a toddler’s cold. Like a small child, the original infected person sprays and slobbers the bad mood on anyone in a ten-foot radius. I’ve also noticed that while a toddler will be over their cold in a few days, anyone who catches the cold from them will be sick for weeks. Same with bad moods, the secondary infections are often much worse than the original cranky person.
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