Adam walked into the barn, peering into the dark shadows. He’d been in the house for five minutes, waiting for her to come in, to feed the boys.“Jen?”“Jenna. No one calls me Jen but Clint.” She was sitting outside a stall, looking inside the darkened cubicle. He peeked around the corner of the gate and saw the pony, bloated belly and head hanging.“What’s up?” He leaned against the post, looking at her, and then at the pony. They both—her and the pony—looked pretty miserable. He knew enough about women to know that the word miserable wasn’t one that she wanted attached to her appearance.“David fed his pony a bag of apples. I think Charlie is going to be okay, but I wanted to make sure. He’s pretty uncomfortable, the little pig.”“How about you? You okay?”She looked up, eyes dark, shadowy. Her nose was pink and her face was a little puffy. He wouldn’t ask. He didn’t want to go there. He had a rule about women, nothing personal. Go out to dinner, take a walk in the park, go to a show, but never ask personal questions.Too late, he realized that his question was personal.
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