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Read Jewel's Menage

Jewel's Menage

Online Book

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Jewel's Menage - Plot & Excerpts

Things really had changed from the last time she’d been here at the Club. The newly renovated dining area was larger and roomier. And already crowded with so many people.
She stepped away from the doorway to allow a jovial crowd behind her to enter the Club, and then she gazed around the room. Shades of blue was the color theme. Dark blue strobe lights streamed from ceiling lights and danced over the gyrating dancers on the dance floor and calming baby-blue streams of light splashed from wooden nautical-style lanterns set on the dining tables.
On one far wall a gorgeous neon sign glittered with the words Welcome to Bring Your Own Toys Menage Night.
The half-dozen waitresses were dressed in blue jeans and midnight-blue tank tops, and they bustled like butterflies from one table to the other gathering orders or depositing pint mugs of beer.
With a quick wave to Jaxie, who grinned from behind the bar area, Jewel strolled toward a nook at the back of the Club’s dining area where she found an empty intimate table for two.

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